Chapter 2: The Fortilla

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"So, how did you come up with the name Fortilla?" the girl that was apparently called Skye asked with a mouthful of toast.
Ocean wondered if she always spoke with her mouth full.
"I don't know. I guess I thought of two words and put them together. Fort. Tortilla. Fortilla," Ocean shrugged.
"That's funny."
"That's what everyone else thought."
There was a pause.
"So, what was the first thing you did when you got into your room?" Ocean asked Skye.
"Well, I put a star sticker on my wall and put a bullet in it, like in my room in The Agency," Skye giggled.
"So that was the gunfire, then? Scared the hell out of me, it did."
"Yeah... sorry about that."
"It's all good."
Ocean looked at Skye, who smiled back. She reviewed the information she knew of each agent.
So, there was the girl Skye. 22 years old, she was good with swords and ARs and liked video games and adventures.
And her friend Ollie who she liked to wear as a hat. Ocean had no clue how old he was, but she knew he was very strong.
Then there was TnTina. 24 years old, she was explosives expert and used a boom bow; a bow that exploded upon impact.
There was also Brutus, leader of the henchmen. At 29 years old, he was good with miniguns and apparently it was his mask that Ocean was wearing right now.
Then there was Meowscles who was apparently a cat. As was Kit, his son. Ocean hadn't seen them yet, so she couldn't say for sure.
There was also Maya, master of disguise and good with knives. Also, she was very cool. Like, very cool.
Who else... ah! Deadpool! As a Marvel superhero, he needed no introduction.
And Midas of course. The boss of Ghost, with a powerful golden touch. Better not to get on his bad side.
And finally, Jules. Engineer, Midas' cousin, and the first Ghost agent she had met. It appeared that she was very clever. Clever enough to make a whole fortress out of plastic bottles and juice box cartons.
At that moment, Joe the henchman appeared at their side, and he had no trousers on.
"Oh God! Put some clothes on!" Ocean grumbled, looking away.
"Hi guys," Joe nervously giggled.
"How'd you lose them now?" Skye asked casually.
"A shark got them! Skye, there are sharks in the water!"

Skye thought back to when she saw sharks in the Wall of Water before the flood. They must have gotten into the flooded island and were perhaps in The Fortilla right now.
"Well, technically it's their ocean," Skye shrugged.
"True," Joe nodded.
"Have they killed anyone yet?" Ocean wondered.
"No. Could've had my leg off, though."
"However, these are sharks we're talking about! Let's go see!" Skye cheered.
And with that, Skye got up, emptied her tray and left the cafeteria. Ocean and Joe followed.
When they got outside, Skye caught Ollie staring at a mysterious shape in the murky water.
"Hai hai!" Skye greeted.
"Hey there! Did you hear that there are sharks in the water?" Ollie waved.
"Yeah! That's so cool, isn't it?"
"Yeah! It's like living in Atlantis. Well, if Atlantis was above the water."
"I suppose so."
"And this is Ocean, then?"
Ocean waved at Ollie awkwardly.
"Yup! That's her all right. Did you know she named The Fortilla after a fort and tortilla?"
"Hey, that's pretty smart, actually."
"It is. How about Muffort? It's a muffin and a fort!"
Skye and Ollie laughed over their inside joke, and Joe giggled too. Ocean just watched and smiled as non-awkwardly as possible.
Then, there was screaming.
Skye watched as a shark dragged a henchman by his leg into the water. The waves were tinted red, before a mauled body reappeared above the surface.
"Oh my God," Ocean whimpered.
"So... who wants to kill a shark?" Skye said to no one in particular, pulling out her sword.
Joe pulled out his Suppressed AR in response and Ocean pulled out her Burst AR.
"Ohh! A Burst! That's cool," Skye remarked.
"Yeah. Jules made it only burst 2 bullets from 3 to reduce recoil," Ocean shrugged.
Skye looked at the shark just in time to see it jump out of the water like a dolphin and dive towards the four agents.
"Look out!" Ollie shouted, ducking out of the way.
The others followed, and the shark soon smacked onto one of The Fortilla's platforms. It tried to bite at Skye, and she kicked it in the nose. It swam back into the water and disappeared.
"Where is it?" Ocean asked.
"I don't know, but keep your eyes peeled!" Skye sighed.
A fin poked out of the water and Ocean and Joe began to fire at it. The shark jumped out of the water again, but this time Skye hopped onto his back.
The shark thrashed around, then rolled into the ocean again with Skye still on its back.
She took a deep breath as she disappeared under the waves. Rapidly slashing at the shark, Skye managed to hold on and not fall off.
When the shark went to jump out of the waters again, Skye drove her sword into the thing's neck.
As it splattered as a bloody mess onto the platform, Skye felt like a god vanquishing a demon. And it felt good.
All the Ghost henchmen cheered and whooped at Skye as she got off the beast's back.
"Well done," Ollie sighed.
"I thought you were a goner then," Ocean laughed nervously.
"I'm OK," Skye coughed.
Her mouth was all salty from the sea water and she tried to spit it out, but the taste was unmovable.
"Skye 1, Sharks 0," a familiar voice said from next to Skye.
"Mm hmm."
Jules looked at the remains of the shark with Midas stood next to her.
"You might want to remove that," Midas grimaced.
"Oh, grow up. It did kill quite a few henchmen. Be proud of your agents for once," Jules rolled her eyes.
"So, how've you been?" Skye asked Jules casually.
"Good. Chaos Agent just informed me that I am to start working at The Authority tomorrow."
"You mean that creepy Shadow Agency?"
"That's the one. It's not just the exterior, it's the interior too. It's almost identical. How do they know what The Agency looks like on the inside?"
Skye hadn't even thought of that. Obviously it was the same to intimidate Ghost agents, but how exactly did Shadow know what The Agency looked like?
"Honestly, I suppose if you can be an undercover agent, then Shadow can have undercover agents too."
"That seems about right."
"Do you wanna see something I've been working on?"
Skye grabbed Ollie, then she, Ollie, Midas and Jules went over to Jules' new workshop. It was full of blueprints and spare parts, and there was a workbench in the middle of the room with a robot sat on it.
Where the robot's head should have been, there was instead a perch where something that had to be incredibly small would sit. Incredibly small...
"Hey, is that robot for Kit?" Skye gasped.
"It's actually a mech, but potato patata," Jules shrugged.
"But I thought he hated fighting?"
"According to Meowscles, he loves robots. I tricked it out with some self-defense stuff just in case, though."
"That's nice."
"You see, we think we can trust Kit to become an agent. He will be placed as a boss in Catty Corner, where the Box Factory used to be. We've designed some robot henchmen for him," Midas nodded.
Jules gestured to three identical scrap robots that had a similar style to Kit's mech with toaster heads.
"Just three?" Ollie wondered.
"No. We're planning on giving him 8 guards, it's just that the 3D printer takes a while to print," Jules sighed.
"I could show you two some mechanics of these robots if you like."
"Yes please!" Skye and Ollie chorused.
So, that's what Jules did.

Ocean and that Joe guy sat on the edge of one of The Fortilla's platforms. Usually, Ocean would dip her toes into the water, but she didn't want to risk having any less than 10 of them. She didn't want them nibbled off by some shark.
In the lapping waves, Ocean saw the reflection of her hot pink hair and of Joe's bright white uniform. The two reflections dazzled her.
Until there was a third reflection.
"Hey," the woman said to be called TnTina greeted them.
"Oh, hey TnTina," Ocean replied.
"Call me Tina. Only the henchmen call me TnTina. Not you, Joe, you're fine."
"Y'know, this place was made using the scraps of my spy base."
"The Rig was yours?"
"Yup. Shadow blew it up."
"What are Shadow actually like?"
"Nasty people, they are. Run by this gas masked maniac called Chaos Agent. I'm sure you won't see him, but if you do, give him a slap from me, OK?"
The Sun beat down on the three agent's backs.
"Ugh. It gets so hot on this island during the Summer," TnTina sighed.
"Hey, I got this from Jules," Ocean gasped.
Ocean retrieved a large vat of ice cold Slurp Juice out of her bag. The neon blue liquid rippled in the jug, visible through the window slits down the side of it.
"Slurp Juice!" Joe cheered.
"Apparently it's a 'self-replenishing Chug Jug' or whatever. It produces Slurp Juice on its own," Ocean explained.
"Can I have a sip?" TnTina asked.
Ocean, Joe and TnTina took turns drinking the Chug Jug until it was completely gone, and then, after a minute, it was full again.
"Cool," TnTina grinned as the Slurp Juice reached the original height.
"Hey guys," Skye said from next to them. Ollie was there too.
"Hi," Joe waved.
"Just spoke to Jules. We have to run some errands. She wants us to go to Catty Corner and tell Kit to head back to The Fortilla, then we can explore the island a bit."
"Can I come too?" a voice from behind them said.
The woman had black hair and clothes and had two knives in her pockets. She also had an SMG and black war paint. Did she always eavesdrop on conversations?
"Maya! I see you've changed up your look since we came to the island?" Skye greeted.
"Mm hmm. The theme is darkness. If you're unsure about me wearing enemy colours, then that's the point of this outfit," the woman, who was apparently called Maya, explained.
"This is gonna be fun! Should we invite Brutus?" TnTina asked.
"I asked him on the way here, and he said that he's busy."
"That's a shame."
"This is still gonna be super awesome though! We got six people, and I've got it all planned out in my head!"
"We can do it tomorrow," Ocean suggested.
"Oh yeah. This is Ocean by the way. She's nice. And, why go tomorrow when we can go now?" Skye explained.
"I just don't want it to get dark before we get back."
"Understandable. But doesn't that make it more fun?"
"OK then. Let me grab some flashlights!"
"We'll get snacks," Ollie nodded.
"I'll get some more trousers," Joe noted.
"Don't forget weapons!" TnTina giggled.
"And scuba diving gear. We may be going underwater," Maya suggested.
"Hey, maybe we can take a boat? They'll finally be useful!" Skye cheered.
The six agents discussed their mission, and they slowly got more and more excited. As Ocean watched their planning, she made up her mind.
Being an agent of Ghost was gonna be awesome.


Word Count: 1952 Words

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