Chapter 20: The Truth

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Slone looked at the spaceship parts John Jones had recovered from that broken spaceship by Craggy Cliffs.
"Those two Pluxarians can't get back without those parts in their spaceship," Jones explained. He seemed very proud of himself.
"Good. And you turned off their tracking devices?" Slone asked John Jones.
"Yes, of course I did!"
"Good. If the Kymera find this Island, then it could mean... The End."
"Yeah. I sucked at Maths, I'm not gonna let those Cubes come back, hehe!"
"I agree. We saw enough of the Cubes when one of them went and infected Loot Lake. If the Kymera find the location of the Zero Point, then we could have a full-scale invasion on our hands. The Cube called Kevin on the original Island was merely a scout; I don't want to see what an army can do. Although, I feel as though it would be impressive."
"And if things do go awry, then at least we have The Seven to back us up, am I right?"
Slone whirled to stare at Jones like he had just told her he was going to blow up the Island.
"Jones, repeat after me. We don't contact The Seven," Slone narrowed her eyes, grabbing Jones and shaking him lightly.
"We don't contact The Seven," Jones repeated worriedly.
"Good," Slone smiled.
Meanwhile, India Oscar watched the conversation from the door. She didn't think it was fair that Slone was stopping the Pluxarians from getting home; surely the Kymera wouldn't care if they came home from some unknown location. She figured that she would have to get the parts back to them somehow. They were more of a danger on the Island than they were in their home planet.

"Thanks for letting us stay. I don't know what we would have done if we had to find another place to stay!" Siona thanked Midas.
Yesterday, Midas ordered the Ghost henchmen to collect Siona and Dio's spaceship and look around the Island for the spaceship parts. But it was as if the parts had vanished. The henchmen claimed that they couldn't find them anywhere.
So, instead, Jules was busy creating new parts to Siona's specifications. She had been in her new Catty Corner workshop for a while now, designing parts that fit the bill.
Meanwhile, Skye was keeping tradition by flopping onto her bed again. Ollie screamed as he got a familiar mouthful of Skye's light pink pillow.
"Ugh, I'm so exhausted," Skye sighed.
Skye knew Ollie had said something, but it was muffled through the pillow. She rolled over so that Ollie could speak.
"Who isn't?" Ollie repeated.
"Why do I feel like something big's coming?"
"Skye, something big is always coming."
"Well, yeah, but this time it feels different."
"Like what kind of different?"
"I... don't know."
"So, it's just different?"
Ollie sighed.
"You know, I was wondering, how did you know Siona and Dio were aliens? You hadn't even seen their spaceship yet."
Skye narrowed her eyes, thinking deeply. The truth was, she didn't really know.
"They were wearing spacesuits?" Skye suggested.
"People on Earth wear spacesuits."
Skye frowned. She really had no idea. She just... sensed it, she supposed.
"Skye, you can't just go around calling people aliens. Thank goodness you were right this time," Ollie sighed.
Ollie hopped off of Skye's head and turned into his humanoid form, sitting next to her on the bed.
"I don't really know how I knew. I guess I just did," Skye shrugged with a smile.
"Are you a psychic, then?"
"Imagine that!"
"That would be funny... and also kinda scary. My thoughts wouldn't really be private anymore, hehe."
"You'd best make a tin foil hat for yourself, then!"
"Not got any time for that. I'm too busy protecting you!"
Skye giggled to herself.
"Hey, Skye," said a voice from the window.
Skye sat bolt upright and stared at Joe, who was stood at the window. Ollie smiled when he saw him.
"Hey there!" Ollie grinned.
"Come in," Skye waved him in.
Joe climbed through the window, and his trousers got caught on the window sill. They slipped off as he collapsed into the room, and the trousers blew away in a gust of wind.
"Aw, come on!" Joe grumbled while Skye and Ollie giggled.
"One day they'll stay on, I'm sure of it," Skye smiled, suppressing more laughter. She didn't even believe herself.
"Thanks," Joe said drily.
"What are you here for?" Ollie wondered.
"Just saying hello. What were you doing?"
"Just chatting," Skye shrugged. She realised she was fiddling with her fingers, and put her hands together so she would stop.
Joe sighed. He looked at Skye, who stared at him innocently.
"Really I'm here to tell you something," he said quickly.
"What?" Skye wondered.
Joe removed his white henchman mask. His brown hair fluffed up on his head, and he fixed Skye with his dark brown eyes. She immediately felt guilty.
"Oh, Joe, I know what you look like," Skye smiled.
"I know that."
He paused, looking at the ground. Skye thought his eyes were somewhat attractive.
"Could you come in closer?" he asked her.
Skye shuffled over to where Joe was sat.
"Closer than that?" Joe blushed.
Skye kept going closer to Joe. By now, she could feel the warmth of his leg through her black leggings.
Then, he kissed her. Skye had to admit that she was taken by surprise, but she didn't really want to pull away. His lips were soft and caring, and his fear surrounded him like an aura. When they finally did pull away, Skye smiled to herself.
"So, what do you say?" Joe asked her, his voice quaking and his face redder than a tomato.
"Well, of course I say yes!" Skye grinned.
Her heart nearly beat out of her chest when she heard Ocean and TnTina cheering at the window. They laughed and hugged each other.
"Well, Skye, it appears that you have been set up," Ollie shrugged.
"Well, good. It's about time!" Skye joked.
Joe blushed somehow even harder, and it was clear that he wanted to stop.
"It's just that, you need to be prepared for anything. People I love have died because of me. Chaos Agent killed my parents because he found out that I existed 55 years ago, when that Marcus guy talked about his psychic powers to Hush and Sierra. I don't want that happening to anyone else."
Everyone froze.
"Skye, how do you know that?" Ollie asked her slowly.
Skye tried to remember, but she couldn't recall a time that Hush or any of her friends had told her about that.
"I... don't know," Skye shrugged.
"That's the second time today. It's really creepy," Ollie shuddered.
"I'm sure it's nothing. Skye, who's my crush? Like, there's no way you could know that," TnTina smiled confidently.
"Ocean," Skye said.
TnTina suddenly went very pale. Skye wondered if she had just died, stood up right there. Ocean looked at her uncomfortably. Skye could've kicked herself; it was clear that Ocean did not feel the same way.
"H-How-? What is wrong with you?! Have you been spying on me?!" TnTina shouted.
"No, no, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it," Skye moaned.
"You shouldn't have," TnTina cried.
Then, she was gone. She ran away, and Skye was filled with a horrible, sinking feeling.
"TINA! WAIT!" Skye shouted before running after her.
Skye dived out of the window, and didn't look back to see if the others were following. She ran just in time to see TnTina leaving Catty Corner in a car.
"No," Skye muttered.
"She'll come back," Ocean said from behind Skye.
Skye turned to look at Ocean. She stood there awkwardly, with her hands held together behind her back.
"Could you do us all a favour by forgetting I said that?" Skye begged her.
"Sure. At least, I'll try..." Ocean nodded.
Skye whirled back to the endless land. TnTina was out there somewhere!
"You know, there was something I read that might explain why you can read minds and look into the past," Ocean offered.
"What? Please tell me," Skye strained. She didn't mean to sound as aggressive as she did.
"So, you know that Oro guy from before?"
"What does he have to do with it?"
"He was a Komoran leader, right?"
"Yes, he was an urban legend, from what Ollie told me. Of course, he's more than that now."
"OK. Well, in that book I read a while ago now, it said that Oro had a power that allowed him to do as you just did. It also said that this power passed onto his children, and their children... and so on."
"From what I've found out from the other agents and henchmen around The Fortilla and Catty Corner, your dad was also a Komoran leader, right?"
"So, what I'm saying is, what if Oro's bloodline was never interrupted?"
Skye felt a shudder of fear go up her spine.
"Shut up. Shut up now. You don't know that for certain! I refuse to believe it!"
"But Skye, what if-"
"Don't you dare-"
"-you're related to Oro?"
Skye narrowed her eyes at Ocean. It was suddenly hard to breathe, and her hands closed into tiny fists. Her nails dug into her flesh, but she couldn't stop herself. She had only just noticed that Ollie, Joe, Jules and Midas had all arrived too.
And they looked scared.
"But you do believe it."
Skye whirled around. Oro stood there calmly; his golden teeth grinned at Skye as she filled with rage.
"It's true, isn't it?" Skye groaned.
"I knew you'd figure it out eventually," Oro smirked.
"There's just no way."
"You know, all of us have it. The Golden Touch, I mean."
Skye grimaced.
"You just need to be seriously angry, and then..."
Oro pointed at Skye's hands. She risked a look at them... and she wished she hadn't. To her horror, she realised her hands were solid gold.
She looked up at Oro again, but he was gone.


Word Count: 1683 Words

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