Chapter 10: Coral Castle

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Coral Castle was now open for everyone to see.
The flood had dropped overnight, and the agents who went yesterday were to go back today and see what was happening.
"This was my day off," Maya grumbled as Ocean stepped on their boat's boost.
"We know, but you know more than other agents, having been here yourself," Ollie comforted her.
"He is right, you know," Joe added.
Midas had decided that it was best to bring along Joe and (annoyingly) David, since they were here too. David had tagged along with Ocean's boat, and Joe tagged along with Skye's boat.
Speaking of Ocean, she, Skye, Deadpool and TnTina had in fact looked up Coral Castle on the internet, and as well as a garden centre called Coral Castle putting some big company under a lawsuit they found that Coral Castle was some ancient city destroyed by a flood, similar to the Island.
Coral Castle was in the same location as the current one, but it was completely destroyed by the flood. As in there was no trace of the ancient city. And where could it have gone?
Well, the answer was obvious.
Skye believed that the Coral Castle on the Island currently was the same one from all that time ago, and it had done, well, a time-space displacement as Aquaman had said.
Either way, an investigation was in store for Ghost.
But, when they arrived, it appeared that someone was already there.
They were wearing black suits, but they didn't look like Shadow henchmen. The suits looked more like army gear and the eyes on the suits were purple. Maybe they had special tech in them? It wouldn't have surprised Skye.
And that logo. It wasn't Shadow's or Ghost's. Skye could have sworn she had seen it before.
"Have a look, Skye," Brutus said, handing Skye a pair of binoculars.
"Thanks," she replied before taking a look.
Now, Skye could see four people in black suits all embroidered with the logo on the breast pocket.
One, a woman had slightly tanned skin and dark brown, shoulder-length hair, with similar coloured eyes looking at her gun, a Tactical AR. She reminded Skye a lot of Clara from Doctor Who.
Skye caught a glimpse of her name tag, which read "Agent India Oscar" in grand capital letters. Skye also caught sight of another name tag; "Detective Samuel Crawley."
Skye zoomed out with her binoculars and saw that Detective Crawley wasn't a man at all. His flesh, from what Skye could see, was covered in orange, blue and green scales. Samuel Crawley was reptilian!
But, as odd as India Oscar and Samuel Crawley were, it was the other two who scared Skye.
The first was the man, Agent John Jones, who Skye saw during Midas' master plan! She was in his office, and they looked at each other! Would he kill her and her friends as soon as he saw them? Well, he looked unarmed now, but his friends, those henchmen, looked armed, and so was India Oscar.
And, even more worrisome was that the last woman was Doctor Slone. And what made her even more threatening to Skye was that she was looking right at her.

India Oscar looked around excitedly at her fellow colleagues and the IO Guards with them.
She was so happy with the progress she had made within being in IO for 10 months. Somehow, she had been ranked up from henchman to an agent after Slone saw her abilities, and she had even been given an upgraded Tactical AR! She even had a helicopter named after her: the SS India Oscar.
India pretended to shoot her gun at Crawley, her friend, who she called Sammy affectionately.
"Dead," she laughed.
"India, my inspiration and reason for being died a long time ago," Sammy laughed back.
"You don't mean that."
"Do I ever?"
They both laughed. India liked Sammy more than everyone else. She thought that Jones was boring and Slone was scary, but Sammy was just someone you could open up to.
"Wait, who are they up there?" an IO Guard asked no one in particular.
India looked up. There were about 10 or so people up on the hill, and they looked incredibly normal, other than the fact that they were accompanied by 2 Ghost henchmen.
"Look! That girl in the denim jacket... she was the one in my office!" Jones cried.
Slone looked at Jones.
"What do we do?" India asked Slone.
"Well, we do what we always do. Open fire!" Slone ordered.

"Look, that's Jones, the man in the office! And that's Slone, the woman we saw in the files!" Skye gasped.
"It is as well!" TnTina agreed.
"What are they doing...?" Ollie wondered.
But the answer to Ollie's question became immediately clear when the IO agents began to fire at them. Joe dived into Skye and pulled her behind a rock to stop the bullets getting her.
"Whew. Thanks," Skye brushed a strand of hair out of her face.
"Well, putting agent's lives ahead of my own is in my job description," Joe shrugged.
"David! Get down!" Maya called to David, but it was too late.
David was dead already.
Skye instantly felt guilty. None of them liked David, but they never wanted him to die. But now, lying on the floor riddled with blood red bulletholes, Skye almost felt like it was her fault for doing nothing.
"Oh, David. I'm so sorry," Skye muttered.
"There was nothing we could do," Joe comforted her.
"What are we going to do?!" Ollie asked Skye from his hiding spot.
"I... don't know," Skye whispered, barely audible.
"Wait, Skye! I know what to do! There's an empty hut over there we can use as cover and I think this boulder's loose. What do you say?" Joe suggested.
Skye looked at Joe and nodded.

India screamed as she saw a boulder hurtling in her direction.
"Run!" Jones shouted, and they all ran.
But as they were running, India tripped on a small rock, leaving her vulnerable to the boulder incoming.
"Agent Oscar!" Slone cried, although she was not willing to go back and help.
India felt herself get lifted off of the floor and get carried away to safety. Sammy looked at her as she tried to push her hair out of her face.
"Thanks. You're like my knight in shining armor," India thanked Sammy.
"No, don't think of me as that. Think of me as... a knight in a shirt and tie," he shrugged.
They ducked behind some rocks and looked at each other.
"Hey, watch this," Sammy said.
He then proceeded to take off his blazer and tie it around his waist, and then tie his tie around his forehead. He also produced a pair of black sunglasses from his locket and put them on.
"Detective Crawley! This is no time to play dress-up!" Slone huffed, and India and Sammy laughed.

"Retreat! Let's go, now!" TnTina shouted to Skye and Joe in their hut.
Skye grabbed Joe and they quickly ran to the nearest boat and escaped. They all breathed sighs of relief and wiped the sweat from their foreheads.
"Excuse me. I'm going to make a call," Skye sighed.
"Sure," Ollie shrugged.
Skye hurriedly typed Midas' number into her phone and waited for him to pick up.
"Hello, Midas Karat speak-"
"Midas, it's me, Skye. Tell me, who are the Imagined Order?"
"The Imagined Order? You never told me you knew about IO. Well, we believe that that man, John Jones, in the office, is part of them."
"You're right. He was there. At Coral Castle, I mean. So was Slone. I assume you know about her?"
"Yes, I do. It appears that you've been doing your homework. Well, remember that stuff about the Loop?"
"Well, we think IO are in charge of it. That's why I tried to break the Loop, to show them up."
"I can imagine that. You know, there was another two people there as well."
"Really? Do tell me about them."
"Well, one looked like Clara from Doctor Who - ever seen that show? Anyway, she was called India Oscar and she's an agent. There was also some lizard man who's a detective called Samuel Crawley."
"Oscar and Crawley. Yes, I've heard a bit about them."
"Anything else?"
"Well... We lost David. His body's still at Coral Castle-"
"Coral Castle?"
"That's what the place is called."
"Wait, did you say that his body's still there?!"
"Is that a bad thing? I'm sorry, we couldn't retrieve it. Gunfire was heavy."
"Do you think Slone is going to leave his body alone?"
Skye froze.
"Oh my God. I'm so sorry."
"You're lucky he's just a henchman. If that were an agent, if that were you, then Ghost could possibly be torn down."
"I didn't realise. I-"
"Don't worry. Is that all."
"Yes. Except..."
"You're not mad."
"I put IO onto your clearance level as soon as I let you know about the Loop. I was just waiting for you to find out about it yourself."
"H-How dare you!"
Midas laughed to himself, then said, "You know, it's funny. I was just talking to Jules about intel as well."
"Really? What's she found?"
"You won't believe it. She's found Chaos Agent's diary, and its authentic."
"Tell me about it!"
"Much above your clearance level, I'm afraid. It'd blow your mind."
"Aww, you're boring."
"I know. Oh, that's her calling now. I'd best go. Is that everything?"
"Yeah. See ya, Midas."
And he was gone. Skye flicked her phone off and put it on her lap.
"What did he say?" Ollie asked her.
"Not much. I just told him stuff, really. You won't believe it, he knows about Slone and IO."
"IO? Slone? What?" Brutus asked her.
And that was when Skye realised that she had never told Brutus!
"Let's tell him!" TnTina suggested.
After a very in-depth discussion about IO and the Loop, Brutus was caught up. He was shaken up, too.
"Oh, wow. I never realised," Brutus gasped.
"Cool, isn't it?" Skye grinned.
"Why so you people never include me?" Brutus frowned.
"You're very busy. More than you realise," Ollie explained.
"Oh. Sorry, guys."
"Ah, it's OK."

As soon as she was back, Skye flopped onto her bed (again) with Ollie.
"I'm exhausted," she said to him.
"As am I," he replied.
"But there's something I gotta do."
Skye got up and crossed to her computer, opening the Agent Files application and going to the search bar.
Skye decided, rather than just telling Ollie, she'd show him. So, she typed in:

India Oscar


Word Count: 1821 Words

Note: I hope you like India Oscar and Sammy Crawley, two original IO agents I came up with. They're both mine, and entirely uncanon to the official Fortnite lore. Hope you enjoyed reading :)

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