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7am he had breakfast, kissed his mom and left for work...
He stopped his bike at a jin cafe and got off....

" Hello jini hyungi " jin looked up and smiled " Hello my tae tae "

" My coffee hyungi " Jin nodded and started making coffee...

Tae looked around and jin looked at him said " he is not here he had a meeting so he left "
tae looked at Jin and said
" You are happy hyungi " jin nodded sat next to him said
" i am happy but i am scared "

" scared ? Tae took a sip of his coffee
" if namjoon got engaged..if if something wrong...if---- "

" Oh hyungi " he put his hand on jin shoulder said
" Nothing will happen as far as i know...namjoon hyung he will never do anything wrong...he love you...and you both married this is the biggest truth.... Don't stress yourself....You have to be strong "

jin nodded said " sometimes you seem to be much older than me tae "

" hyung I am younger than you but older than you in brain " Jin smiled said
" Tell me what happened to your girlfriend "

Tae looked at jin with shocked eyes said " First of all, she's not my girlfriend...
second thing----
he took a deep breath said ---i am not interested anyone yet "

Sudden unknown rooftop man came to tae mind and Jin kept watching him....
Jin shook him tae looked at Jin
" You were lost somewhere tae "

" i i go now meet at night hyungi " tae got up and left...

Jin kept watching him " what happened with him "

Wearing glasses...
pan in hand...he was lost at work...

His room door opened..
He looked and smiled...

" Hi "

" Why didn't you come to the office today and again you both fight "
jimin sat next to him...
yoongi did not answer...
Jimin held the file in his hand and said " what has happened...
Why are you so worried about it ? "

Yoongi " He is not only my friend but also my only cousin...
He is my brother...
He's been lonely since uncle died and I can't see him like that...
It hurts " Jimin nodded yoongi continue
" his attitude hurts me...
He is getting lonely day by day...
What will happen to him if I leave him in one day ?
Tell me where i am wrong jimin...
I'm tired "
Jimin hugged him and said " You're right baby but in the same time you are wrong too...
Why do you want to force it on someone ?
He doesn't like fia give it time...
This is his life---

Yoongi cut him " and he's wasting his life...He does not allow anyone to come near him....
He will always be alone like this "
Jimin patting his head..
Yoongi closed his eyes..

" I know...I know yoongi but you put yourself in his place...
he didn't believe in love coz what his mother did to his father makes him hate love...
he is right....
Not everyone lucky like us yoongi...
Be patient...
We don't know if anyone can find it ? Who make it their own...
Maybe anyone can capture his heart ?
You wait for that time...
Maybe miracle happens and he believes in love ?
We have to be with him in every situation...
He is alone and you are his own...
If you leave him alone like this, loneliness will destroy him inside...
You understand "
yoongi nodded said
" I wish I could find that woman one day...I ask her...
What kind of mother are you who left her child alone ?
What kind of wife who leaves her husband who loves her dearly...
I remember once after uncle's death...
she came to ask for her rights...
greedy woman...
One day she will cry you see jimin "
Jimin nodded....comforting and explaining

NOBODY LOVES ME LIKE YOU Taekook √Where stories live. Discover now