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" So you are saying..
that uncle did not eat your food and closed the door on your face "
Hobi said

" You have asked this one question 10 times in an hour and I say yes every time " Tae said

" he is making fun of you "
Soobin said eating his chips

" No...
i can't believe it can anyone close the door on the handsome boy like you ? Hobi said

" Hyung stop it please " soobin

" I think someone has broken his heart badly Or someone has deceived him...
Then that rude uncle is like that "
Hobi said

" I tried to find out from joonie hyung but he always avoided me and saying this will tell jungkook itself " tae

" Tae look, forget uncle...
You are young, you are beautiful, anyone can meet you anyone " hobi

" Why anyone hyung...
Yoo noona she is the best for tae hyung " Soobin said

Tae looked at them and said
" You are both my friends and my enemies...
I like that uncle and i win him "

" Oh tae It has become a headache " hobi said

He stood up in anger
" fine I will do it myself...thanks for your help "
he grabbed his bag and walk

They both kept calling him but he ignore them...

Soobin " Hyung only friends come to help in difficult times...
You didn't do it right "
he also left and hobi sat down with guilt


Jimin came into his nad yoongi shared room...
Yoongi sat on the sofa jimin kiss his cheeks and set besides him...

Yoongi was smiling to himself...
Jimin looked at him anxiously...

" Yoongi, why are you smiling?

Yoongi looked at him and shook his head
" Tell me...i know something happened...Why are you smiling "

He looked at Jimin
" Has it ever happened to you that you go to worn someone and go to scared him, but instead of scared him, you shut yourself ?

Jimin shook his head at the question " I did not understand anything yoongi "

" Oh baby something similar happened to me...
you remember a few days ago you told me about the boy who is a teacher "

" Hmm i remember...
what happened to him?
Did you do anything to him?
He is innocent "

" Relax baby listen to me first "
He fell silent

" so I went to his school and i found him...
He was a little scared he had two friends with him...
Well I told him I want to talk to you about kook...
So he agreed to talk to me...
We both got in the car and i took it with me i spoke and he listened in silence...
i thought he was scared
But i felt wrong "

Jimin sat on the couch with both feet up and listened to yoongi words with smile

" He seemed very different to me...
i mean, he didn't look scared like everyone else...
He seemed challenging...
For the first time, i met someone who silenced min yoongi...
The way he was talking to me i felt he was ordering me...
for the first time, i thought maybe someone someone could change kook heart...
He told me he liked kook...
I also said that kook likes him...
he told me to take care of his kook and i nodded...
I felt weak in front of a child...
There was a shine in his eye...
Jimin i think my years wait are coming to an end i think that boy will change kook "

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