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They coming back home namjoon driving and jungkook was looking outside....

Namjoon was looking at him said
" jungkook where are you lost ?
Jungkook saw namjoon and said " nothing "

Namjoon " Jungkook you can tell me anything "

jungkook looked at his hands and said
" You and jin hyung looked good together " namjoon nodded

Jungkook " Hyung "

Namjoon " Hmm "

Jungkook " That boy and you seemed very close "

Namjoon nodded
" Tae and I weren't close before...
Jin introduced us...
He was shy when we first met...
Well, he's still shy "

" Hyung are you serious " jungkook said

Namjoon laughed and said
" believe me he is very shy...
He did a strange thing today.. otherwise he is a very careful and shy boy....
When we met, I liked it at first sight...
We became very good friends "
Jungkook kept listening

" Jin loves him....
jin and tae love each other more than anything...
I used to be jealous of tae but then as me and tae got closer..
I knew that everyone should love him " Jungkook smiled

" He always smiling...
he shares his problem with me and i share my problem with him...
He is my little sweet prince "

Jungkook " you love him more than me "

Namjoon " Probably...
Like yoongi love you most same i love tae the most...
He is very important to me....
We are a family...
you know I have no brother...
But finally I got a brother and now I will fulfill big brother duty "

Jungkook " I'm glad to see you and your family "

Namjoon " thanks kook btw you can be a part of this family too...
If you want " Namjoon smiled

Jungkook " what does mean "

Namjoon " I've seen everything kook...
The way you were looking at tae... The way your face sad after he left...
I saw everything...
I know your heart was out of your control...
kook there is nothing wrong with giving a chance...
What happened before doesn't have to happen again...
Happiness stands front of you "

Jungkook did not say anything just looked outside then said

" he is moon hyung----
namjoon saw him

---And I eclipse...
I am darkness...
He is brightness...
I am loneliness
He is happiness...
He closed his eyes
---I don't believe in love hyung...

Namjoon " But the eclipse takes place on the moon "

" Hyung stop please "
namjoon fell silent..

He knew he couldn't win with jungkook so silence is better...


Two days have passed since the incident..
In those two days jungkook did not rest...
tae confident his face was riding on jungkook mind...
namjoon's words did not leave his mind...
Whenever he picked up a cigarette he remembered tae words...
He still smoked, but now he remembered tae on every cigarette...

Right now he was sitting in his home library...
He had a book in his hand but his mind was somewhere...

phone rang he saw it..
Picked up the phone

Namjoon " Hello buddy "

" Hi hyung Why you call ?

Namjoon " You missing since that day "

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