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It was the end of January and it wasn't too cold...
Kook and his relationship lasted 4 months and their friendship was about to last 5 months...

This winter was different from last winter..
In the previous winter, tae would be in his room in the evening and do his school work..
This winter he was mostly with kook after school kook used to eat at tae house every day...
It was now his daily routine... Everything was going perfect..
Yoo didn't come back...
She had left Korea singapore with her dad

and gora she was alone..
She didn't have the guts to face Kook So she did what yoo told her...
She locked himself in a house..
She began to hate herself...
She saw yoo everywhere...
Sana's painful eyes did not leave her Tae last words kept ringing in her ears and Kook's hatred was making his life more difficult...
She wanted to die but she was afraid to die...
So now she was counting her days in this world...
This loneliness was killing her...

She had money but she had no one of her own to wipe away her tears...
She had two children but she was so unlucky that her children were not with her and it was all his own fault...
She was responsible for what happened today...
So now she was living alone in her house alone It was a punishment she had to endure for the rest of his life...

Tae on the other hand was preparing...
Today was a big day for him....
Today was a teachers ceremony at his school and he was nominated again...
Last time he did not win this award because of kook so now he was in this category and he was sure he would win this award

He was very happy....
There were a lot of people here with him this time...
Sana, hobi, sobi, jin, namjoon, and his kook were all sitting in front...
he was sitting back stage with all the teaches...

he was happy for Kook to come but he was also jealous...
kook didn't look like a 34-year-old oldey anymore, he looked like a 25-year old boy...
Every girl was watching him but kook was talking to Jin...
Well, he didn't mind. He knew kook was his and no one could separate him...

" as you know our school has been holding the ceremony for years and we hold this ceremony every year to encourage our teacher...
So this year too we will give awards to our best teachers but first we will invite our special guest to come on stage....
It is our honored that he is here for us mr Jeon Jungkook, owner of Jeon enterprises and the youngest businessman in Korea all applause please "
Jungkook stood up bowed... Principle made him stand in front of Mic and he thanked everyone and stand beside principal ...

" As always, there was a great competition among our top teachers and the winner of best teacher competition is named jung hoseok...
Everyone applauded "

hobi's mouth opened in surprise and tae became sad...
Hobi went to get his award...
Kook's mood turned sad but he was glad tae friend won...
He gave him award and hobi thanked everyone and left...

Tae grabbed his award looking sadly...
" Next time my tae bear next time " hobi hugged tae

" We have another category...
A special category...
Which I have kept as a principal and I want you all to support me...
Many students in our school study and started making their lives but there was a man who studied in our school and then gave his whole life to education....
He spread his knowledge all over the world and today people look at him with respect....
He is no longer in this world, but what he did will always be remembered...
You may be wondering who he is...
I will tell you soon but an important pearl of this man is among us today "

everyone listening carefully

" Who never felt that he was the son of this great man..
He is just like his father hard worker "

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