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Jin " What happen mom and why were you crying ?

Sana " i i don't know a-anything....
he has been sitting in the room crying ever since he came home i i knocked but it did not open...
I don't know what to do "

Jin " Nothing happened....i see him "
tears in sana eyes..

He stood up standing outside tae room
" Tae...baby bear open the door...
Everyone worried about you come on don't do that "

No sound from inside...
He went back to sana...

" There will be an extra key for this room...give it to me mom "
she nodded and she went to get the key..

A few seconds later, she returned with the key..
Jin opened the door...
The door opened...
it was dark inside..
He told sana to stay outside and he closed the door..

Jin turned on the light...
room was empty..
bathroom was also empty

He looked outside the window...
Tae was sitting watching sky...

Jin sigh of relief and sat down next to him outside the window...
This was tae favorite place..
Whenever he miss his father, he would sit on a small slip outside the window...
That place was not dangerous...

" What is this tiger...you worried everyone and why are you sitting here at the moment..
You have to go to school and look over there..did you cry "

He did not say anything..

" Tae, I'm saying something answer me...don't make me angry "
Jin said

" He think i like him coz of his money...
He thinks it's important for me to win because he a bet for me "

Jin looked at him questioningly

" He thinks I'm bad boy...
Hyung he hurt me...
I'm not what he thought "
He cry Jin hugged him...

This was not his tae he had known for years...
This is a weak boy..
He was a sad boy..

" What are you talking about and who told you all this ? Jin said

He looked at Jin
" I lost hyung i lost... I thought...I felt my my true love will change him
I thought but I was wrong"

" i thought his heart was changing...
I thought he would give me a chance now but as always, i was wrong...
He has not changed at all...
he gave me the medal I did not deserve...
When I liked him I didn't know he was a billionaire...
I just loved seeing it on the rooftop "

Jin kept listening

" I was very proud of myself---
He saw his burnt hand
---It was not all drama..
this was not a lie...
why didn't he see my burnt hand ?
Why did he break me today...
He made fun of my love and not only that he say bad words my mom"

Jin's eyes widened...
He gritted his teeth and said
" Jungkook told you all this "

" I fell in love with it but he told me today that love is not importance to him...he likes hatred today I know why he is alone "

" Tae " jin hugged tae and gritted his teeth

Tae " Everything will be fine hyung.. What was supposed to happen has happened...i f-forget it "

" Tae you like him...look i i talk to namjoon he talk to jungkook "

" no nothing will happen now "

" But tae..try to understand me "

" Nothing to understand now hyung Now what is better will happen "

Jin " and what's better?

" I will forget it...there was no jungkook in my life...i will do my job and be happy as before "

NOBODY LOVES ME LIKE YOU Taekook √Where stories live. Discover now