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Two days passed...

Tae was happy jungkook trust it...
He also used to go to jin cafe..
Namjoon did not forgive kook but he had forgiven him in his heart...

yoongi and jimin meet Kook daily..
jimin took care of it..

Right now it's 6pm and kook was outside alone...

no car...
no guard...
walk like a ordinary person...
He sat down...

Tae and he talked daily...
Tae no longer brought food,
he used to send food to Jin...
He wanted kook to miss him
and kook was missed him badly...

Kook eyes stuck to the family sitting in front bench...

She had a baby on her lap
Who was playing with his mother's hair and his father was smiling...

He kept watching them with smile
then he stood up and started walking...

He saw a couple walking hand in hand...
They looked great wearing matching jackets...
He walking but suddenly a voice came from behind...

" Listen sir " He stopped turn

" Please can you take our picture " boy said

kook nodded and took the camera...
They were a gay couple...
He took pictures of them and returned the camera

" Thanks....you are alone sir "

Kook nodded
" You you both friends " Kook asked

He shook his head
" Boyfriends...soon to be husbands...
today our wedding date has been fix so we celebrate...
Actually we worked hard and finally our story is complete "
Boy smiled

Kook " You both look great together "

" Mew...my name is mew and he is gulf... And you ? "

" My name is jungkook " they shook hands

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" My name is jungkook " they shook hands

" jungkook If you are alone, come and join us " gulf said

He nodded " sure "

he sat down with them
gulf placed a cake in front of him...

" So how long have you been together ? Kook

" hmmm 7 years " Mew said

Jungkook's eyes widened...

Mewgulf smiled mew said
" what...oh you are surprised "

Kook nodded " You two have been boyfriends for 7 years and now getting married...
doesn't happen nowadays "

mew nodded " We didn't even know we were made for each other when we met "

" if you don't mind can i ask you how did you find out ? Kook

" I tell you " Gulf said " I hated him when we met because he was gay and I didn't like gays...
Well, i didn't even like sitting with him
even i hated his name " mew smiled

NOBODY LOVES ME LIKE YOU Taekook √Where stories live. Discover now