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Jungkook stop please...
how much will you drink ? look at your situation..
Jimin was anxious to see his condition...

Kook was not like that he did not drink...
He did not cry..
He did not miss anyone...
Jimin called Yoongi who hadn't come yet

" Hyung "
He looked at kook
" Why...Why with me...first she broke me and now this boy
---He picked up the glass and drank
---It broke me..b-but hyung---
He tried to stand up Jimin approached him
----she did not break me like the boy did....h-he was a liar
He grabbed Jimin's collar and said

'' It was a mirage...he was that women second face...I'm in pain hyung "
and he suddenly he cry like a child
" over here--
he put his finger on his heart---hyung it's p-painful "

that's when yoongi came kook's condition was not good...
Jimin began to cry yoongi held kook and saw Jimin crying
" help me jimin... And you take care of yourself "

He did not say anything...he help yoongi both supported Kook and brought him home laid him on the bed and looked at him...

Jimin went out yoongi follow him... Jimin was sitting on the sofa crying
" Baby, if you are crying then who will take care of me ?

" W-Why isn't everything okay ? Why isn't kook's life easy ?
How long will he live in this agony? Will it never be complete ? It hurts it's hurts to see it that way "
yoongi hugged him his eyes scan the room

" Cctv jimin...
We are in kook house Cctv "

Jimin looked at him yoongi ran In the secretary's room " I need to take a footage "
guard nodded and Jimin started searching after a while
" i found...who is this i have never seen before...
What to do now " Jimin

Yoongi spoke to the guard " Give me this footage and kook doesn't know anything about it understood " He nodded and gave the footage to yoongi
" What will you do about it " Jimin started walking with him

" Namjoona i will show him he know many secrets of kook...Maybe he knows this girl too "

Jimin nodded

"Bte kook didn't do well with tae...u feel bad for tae " they saw taekook fight footage

" well kook was sitting on the floor crying after tae left you didn't feel bad for kook " Jimin also saw footage

" Whatever chim kook shouldn't have done that " yoongi switch off phone

" Hmmm...you are right but kook is also hurt " yoongi took a deep breath Jimin sat on the couch

" Well, stop talking his side...we stay here coz i can't leave kook alone in this condition " Jimin nodded and lay down on the couch...
Yoongi massage his head " I hope we fix it soon "
Jimin closed his eyes " me also " yoongi took a deep breath


" Tae why don't you come home ? I miss you so much " Jin said

" I want to spend some time alone hyung " tae

" Tae In this way you will be separated from me...what was my or namjoon fault in whatever happened ? Jin

" It's not your fault or hyung fault It's my fault you all told me but i was lost in my over confident " tae

" please don't say that, it hurts me. " jin

Tae closed his eyes...

" Tae meet us...me, namjoon, hobi, soobin...all will be together as before please " tae stood in front of the window his eyes went to the road " Yoo "

" I'll talk to you later hyung " He hung up the phone...
He opened the door of the room and went down the stairs and opened the main door...
Yoo jump little...
He closed the door
" Why are you here " tae

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