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2 days passed

Jungkook did not go to the office after the incident and yoongi was worried because of jungkook absence...
He call him but Jungkook phone was switch off...
so now he was going to his house....

After a while, he was standing outside the door of his house...
He rang the door bell jungkook servant opened the door and yoongi came in....

He saw everywhere and said
" Where is Kook ? "

" Sir, he is not here "

" If he is not here then where is he ? "

" Sir, he is in the penthouse "
yoongi was surprised...
He thought
* Kook has never been there before *
He nodded and walked...
He sat in the car and started going to the Penthouse....

Jungkook had never visited the penthouse since his father's death...
That house was built his dad...
They both spend their free time in this penthouse...
He had stopped going there since his father died...

yoongi kept driving...
He was worried about jungkook...
Yes he was angry but he couldn't leave his kook alone...

Suddenly it's raining...
yoongi slowed down and dialed jungkook number but his phone switch off...

" What a joke kook at least switch on your phone " he shouted

jungkook, on the otherside was watching the rain

* Flash back *

" Dad it's rain let's go out today "

" Not yet kookie dad has work to do and this season is not about going out...
It is unseasonable rain you will get sick "

" But dad I don't care. When I get sick, you will take care of me and you won't go to the office, you'll stay with me, and I won't go to college "

Dad laughed when he heard this said

" Kookie devil you are 16 years old and still a child...you bother dad "

Jungkook laughed and mr jeon said
" Wait son "
and jungkook ran mr jeon ran after him...

* End flash back *

He smiled his father's memories is in every corner of the house....

" Dad i g-get soaking in the rain you take c-care of me "

He opened the balcony door and walked outside...

Cold rain drops make him shiver...
His face turned red...
His lips tremble but he didn't care It had to get wet...

Tears were flowing in the raindrops...
Kook just sat there close eyes...

Sudden kook felt like someone was standing in front of him...
Kook opened his eyes and looked up

He was standing...
He watched him with smile and said
" You'll get sick...
Take my hand I won't leave you alone."

Jungkook looked at him and then his hand...
He kept looking at his hand
" take my hand jungkook, i will not leave you alone...
hold my hand come with me...
come into my world...
I give you true love...
I will never leave you "
Tae watched him smile
jungkook slowly reached out grab his hand....

NOBODY LOVES ME LIKE YOU Taekook √Where stories live. Discover now