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" You are telling the truth " tae nodded

Namjoon " Wow, what did kook respond to ?
He must have pushed you i remember one time fia tried to kiss him, so he pushed her and forbade her to come to the office and home...
Not only that, he had cut off all communication with fia poor girl she cried a lot "

Tae " But that didn't happen to me Rather, I thought he liked my kiss...
He closed his eyes and as soon as I kissed, I went out "

Namjoon " Hmmm let's see how he reacts today btw , you are going well taetae...
this is how you will succeed in winning his heart "

Tae " Thanks joonie "
He ate 3rd chocolate pastries and kept telling namjin yesterday incident...

Namjoon said " what to make today...let's go to the kitchen "

The three of them smiled and went to the kitchen


Gora and Sana meet after so many days...

Gora " I have something to say to you "
" Say gora " Sana

" Don't you think our children have grown up now and we should think about them ? "

" Means" She placed the cup on the table

" I want our friendship to turn into a relationship I want to make tae my son in law...yoo likes it "

Sana was surprised then she smiled
" I also want something like this but gora...
I don't know if tae likes it or not...
Give me a few days and I'll let you know "

Gora smiled " I hope tae likes my daughter too "

Sana " Yoo is a very good girl...
I would be lucky if she became my daughter-in-law " Sana

" I'm worried about her activities these days....
She stays out all day..
I don't know what she does I am worried "

" Don't worry gora...nowadays young blood live in their own world anyway...
Don't worry so much...drink tea "
She nodded and they both started drinking tea and talking


He came home at 7 o'clock
but he was surprised to find an unknown person at the door...

" Look who they are " He ordered

The guards were holding a girl...

" There is a girl who wants to meet you sir "

" Find out the name and bring it here"
He ordered

A few seconds later, they brought the girl...

He was surprised to see her " You "

She smiled " I want to talk to you " yoo

" Say what you want to say "

She looked around and said
" Not in front of these people..I have to talk to you alone "

" But I don't want to talk to you "
he close car window

" I have to tell you the truth "
He looked at yoo

" truth "

" Hmmm, only I know " Yoo said

" I'm not interested in any truth "
He straightened up

She bent down whisper
" Wouldn't you like to know why is kim taeheyng want you ? And what is the reason that he choose you ?

Hearing all this, kook looked at yoo said
" I know every secret of it...
If you want to hear, fine, otherwise I'll go " She turned around but the voice stopped her she smile

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