tae and his oldey anniversary

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I am home "

It was the voice of a man living in the house...
Who left the office early today...
today was his wedding anniversary....

" Baby "

He went to the bedroom...
sound of water started coming from the bathroom...

He smiled and took off his coat and went to the bathroom
but he is unlucky....
the bathroom door opened and a man with a towel around his waist came out....
The man was surprised...

Jungkook see him his wet hair and half naked body....kept watching him.... Again whipped

" Oldey " tae shocked smile and hug....
kook hugged him tight...

" You come home early kook " Tae asked..

" Hmmm " Kook sniffed his hair
" Today is our wedding anniversary tae "

Tae smiled " You remembered "

Tae looked at him and Kook nodded...
Tae grabbed Kook hand and kissed him " I thought you forgot "

" Forget me and our wedding anniversary....That is not possible baby "

Tae smiled and kissed Kook's lips
" Thanks "

Kook smiled and sat him on his lap
" You look so hot " Kook ran his finger over his chest...

Tae looked at him crookedly " I can read your mind Oldey but I'm not in the mood...."

Kook heard this and said " Why "

Tae smiled and kissed his lips again
" I plan to go out with hobi and soobin so i'm late "

Tae stood up and took out his clothes from the closet

" What....but baby, I left everything and came to celebrate our wedding anniversary "

" But you didn't tell me you would come "
Tae said wearing jeans

" But it was a surprise...
You love surprise baby "
He hugged tae behind

" yes I love surprises kook but now i'm grown up now i'm 34 "

Kook took a deep breath " and I was 44 " kook said this and sat down on the bed...

Tae looked at him and shook his head " not again kook not again "

Taekook had been married for 9 years and Kook was still worried of his age...
It seemed as time goes and as he gets older his tae is getting away from him...

It seemed to him...
there was no such thing...
Tae leave school and started his own art school and many of his academy students and teachers had become his friends...
And many of the students and teachers looked at him with strange eyes, which made kook afraid...

NOBODY LOVES ME LIKE YOU Taekook √Where stories live. Discover now