Part 1 ~ Back Onset:

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Martina ~
I woke up to my phone alarm as I was getting dressed my phone pinged, when I looked at the text it was from Pepe, I haven't been going very fast with Pepe since Jorge has been confused about his feelings, I know I must move on from him where he's with Stephie or he claims he's in love with her, but if he did love her why would he be kissing me?

Text messages ~

Morning Martina,

How would you like to go on date with me after filming?

From Pepe.

Morning, Pepe,

I would love to.

From Matina.

Great, pick you up at 6:00 pm.

From Pepe.

Uh, could we possibly make it at 7:00 pm is that okay?

From Martina.

Sure, as long as I'm with you.

From Pepe.

Awe, okay, see you later.

From Martina


Bye, beautiful.

From Pepe.


As I put my phone down after reading Pepe's text, I went downstairs where I saw my dad at the table eating breakfast.

TDad: Morning, honey.

Martina: Morning, dad.

TDad: Are you going to the set?

Martina: Yeah, I just need something to eat where I'm hungry.

After I ate some breakfast, I grabbed my scripts and my bag, and I drove to the set, as I walked onto the set there were couples kissing, I saw Lodovica on her own as her boyfriend isn't on set as she met him outside Violetta.

Lodovica: It's a weird atmosphere out here, everyone is kissing.

Violetta: Well, I guess love is in the Aire.

Lodovica: Anyway, you look happy, so someone must've got a dream come true.

Martina: I've been getting to know this guy outside Violetta, he's nice, I have my first date with him tonight where I've been taking it slow. *Glances over at Jorge and Stephie*

Lodovica: *Sees who she's looking at* Oh, are things that bad?

Martina: I don't want to talk about it, let's go inside.

Everyone started coming slowly, as Martin was preparing for the next Episode, as Jorge walked in, he stood beside me and Lodovica, which I couldn't help but glance at him.

Martin: Ok, so we are now going to film episode 33.

They got into the scene, Jorge and Valerie were on the motocross.

Martin: And Action!!!

Lara: You can't leave the studio just because of Violetta.

Leon: Are you seriously telling me I can't leave the Studio?

Lara: Yes, because I know how you feel Leon, I would love you to be here, but I can tell singing is your life.

Leon: Well, I guess I exaggerated, okay your right, I won't leave the Studio and certainly not for Violetta, I couldn't care less about her, I mean it okay I'll worry about me, I'll think about what I want what I like.

Is he playing with me or does he love me? *Part 2*Where stories live. Discover now