Part 12 ~ Jortini tells each other their feelings.

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Jorge ~ 

Urgh, what am I going to do? I couldn't sleep all night because I was thinking of Martina, my mind is all over the place, I have feelings for Martina, but I need to think about the show also, like if Martina and I did get together would it ruin the show, what if we can be love interests on the show and out of the show? 

But what if Ruggero is right? We see each other but nobody knows but us, we will just have to be careful around the cast and Martin, I have never felt such a strong connection with anyone not even with Stephie, but with Martina, it's like the world means something when we are together you know. 

I got up to get dressed as I went downstairs, I saw Ruggero and Candelaria, looking at me as I looked like a proper mess. 

Ruggero: Morning. 

Candelaria: So, what are you going to do today, Jorge? 

Jorge: *Leans back on the chair* I'm not sure, my head is all over the place, I felt for Martina of course but what happens if the choices we make ruin the show for you guys? 

Candelaria: I don't think it would, I think it would make the show better, where we date on the show, and Diego and Clara date on the show, look at Mercedes she went out with Pablo who played Tomas and they didn't get sacked. 

Ruggero: At the end of the day, it might make Leon and Violetta stronger if you two are together where the connection will come out stronger. 

Jorge: I guess, your right and the least we could do is give it a try, right? It might work or might not but at least we have tried. 

Ruggero: Exactly, you don't know if you don't try. 

I got up off the chair and grabbed my jacket, as I grabbed my keys Ruggero asked me where I was going. 

Ruggero: Where are you going? It's Saturday we don't have filming today. 

Jorge: I'm going to see Martina. 

Ruggero: Oh, okay, are you coming back? 

Jorge: Depends on how it goes. *Winks at him* 

They laughed at me as I left, I drove to Martina's house, when I rang her doorbell, a guy answered topless, which made me think until Martina came to the door in her dressing gown. 

Martina: Oh, Jorge, what are you doing here? 

Jorge: You know what, I shouldn't have come. 

Martina: Why did you come? 

Pepe: See you later, babe. 

The guy kissed her cheek as he pushed past me, I looked at her and she looked at me as it was a silence not awkward but confused silence. 

Martina: Why are you here? 

Jorge: You know what, forget it. 

Martina: No, you obviously came here for a reason, so come on tell me. 

Jorge: I broke up with Stephie. 

Martina: What? 

Jorge: Well, she broke up with me since she found out that I slept with you. 

Martina: She... found out? 

Jorge: Yeah, and I came here to tell you that "I love you" but then I see you with him, so did you do all of this to get me heartbroken to play me at my own game because I wasn't playing a game, Martina. 

Martina: Sometimes I couldn't tell you were being honest on your feelings Jorge, but no I'm not playing a game either, but you were clear that we would never happen, so I had to move on. 

Jorge: Right, of course, you did, or you just didn't have any feelings for me whatsoever. 

Martina: Oh, you have no right to say that to me, where I was honest about my feelings towards you, but you kept getting confused. 

Jorge: Fine, move on it's not like we were ever going to work. 

Martina: Jorge, please stop. 

Jorge: No, you know why, because I am done with whatever this is. 

Martina grabbed his hand before he could leave and pulled him towards her lips although he pulled away before. 

Jorge: You just slept with that guy and now you going to sleep with me? You're a slag, Martina. 

Martina: What? I didn't sleep with him. 

Jorge: Oh, so him topless and you in your dressing gown is just waking up from sleeping, yeah right. 

Martina: You want to know what I'm wearing underneath okay. *Unties the dressing gown* 

As Martina untied her dressing gown in front of me, as she opened it she was in a cute nightie which proved that she didn't sleep with anyone, but she could've just thrown that on this morning to answer the door. 

Martina: Now do you believe me? 

Jorge: How is that supposed to prove anything, you could just throw that on to answer the door, Martina? 

Martina: I didn't sleep with him, Jorge, you're the only guy I want to sleep with. 

Jorge: Oh, not that guy? 

Martina: No, we broke up. 

Jorge: If you say so. 

Martina: Just kiss me, Jorge. 

I gripped her waist inside the dressing gown, she put her hands around my neck and walked me inside without breaking the kiss, as we walked to the sofa, she gripped me and pushed me down on the sofa as she let go of our lips, she took her dressing gown off, so she was just in her nightie and took my top off and crawled in between my legs so we were looking in each other's eyes. 

Martina: I love you, Jorge Blanco

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Martina: I love you, Jorge Blanco. 

Jorge: I love you too, Martina Stoessel.

We started to kiss again as things got heated, we were then laying under a blanket on the sofa as Martina was asleep on my chest.

A/N: ~

Thank you for reading.


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