Chapter Eight - America

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Chapter 8 - America

The flight down whizzed by. Most of it consisted of sleeping. I wonder if I was being hard on Ethan in saying goodbye to him. No Bri, no. Shake it off you. America; it's a new start, a fresh start, new people, a new life, forget the past. 

We got to our new home. It was nice. "I'm just going to check out the area." I said. Well they couldn't stop me anyway, they've forced me here, I at least deserve some freedom! 

The first thing on my list was to get rid of the book. A few blocks away I found a second hand book store. 

It was so pretty and relaxing inside. I could see myself hibernating in here. I found this young guy at the till, 

"Hey, can I help you?" He spoke. 

"Hi, I'd like to sell this book on." I smiled handing the book. 

"Thank you, can I interest you in donating money to the blind children in Africa?" 

"Sure." I smiled. 

Shit, I had my dad's wallet. Oh well. 

"Will $235 do?" I said taking out the cash. 

"Woah, that's a lot man." His American accent rang through my ears. I'm a sucker for accents. "Thank you." 

"No worries." 

"That looks like a man's wallet." The boy laughed. 

"That's because it is... daddy's." 

"Is he ok with it?" 

"He's moved me without my agreement. Clearly he has enough money to splash; what's a couple of dollars' going to hurt him for the needy?" 

"Ahh, a British accent; nice! Thanks again." 

"Not a problem." I smiled turning on my heels and walking out. 

"Hey, British girl wait." 


"There's a number in this book, don't you need it?" 

"Hell fucking no!" I laughed walking out. 

I couldn't be arsed to go back to the house yet, it would mean unpacking. I decided to WhatsApp the gang. 

It was 9:40AM Monday morning meaning they were all in English. Rav must be crying in that lesson. We sat together that lesson, and now she was alone. 

Me: Wadddup? 

Ravi: O' khidaaa, I'm good, I miss you! 

Me: I miss you too. I'm ok, just landed and checking out my neighbourhood. 

Ravi: Damn English is boring, the class is silent. 

Me: I know I was the life of the class but what about Chase, and Sally? 

Ravi: No one's talking because Ethan's not distrupting the class for a change. He really misses you Brezza; he asked me this morning how your flight was. 

Me: He's my past Rav, why wasn't I noticed when I was there? 

Ravi: I don't know dude, I don't know. It's hard.  

Me: Anywho, I'll catch up with you in a bit. This time change will be crazy :(.  

Ravi: I know :'( xx 

I walked around a little more through the area. I got myself lost; thank God for the 'Maps' and 'Location Service' on my iPhone!

I can't even say 'Home sweet home' because it isn't sweet home! My sweet home is in England, London, Mayfair! My life was such a downer right now.

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