Author's Note!

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Hey biscuits!

How's it going?

Hope all is well and sorry for the MIA lately on the Wattpad scene! Been a crazy few months but I'm back and my new project "18" is out and I think you guys should check it out!

We need a new chirstmas read right? And I think this should just do well for you guys - It's another 1D FanFic but again completely different with a new cocept as always! There's a crazy adventure involved, lost love, and plenty of surprises!

On the note of surprises, I won't ruin it for you instead I'll let you guys check it out yourselves!

In other news:

This book has been  submited for the Watty Awards! Let's all get behing and support this as, as you all know this was a special story with the untold story of be and Cody. It was extremely hard to write this with so much that happened and the memories that brought back when writing is. But I just want to thank all you guys for the incredible support throughout this story and hope you guys enjoyed it!

I think I've rambled enough and will leave you to catch up with "18"! 

Happy reading,

Love always xxxxx

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