Chapter One - The Paper

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Hello my beautiful people, how's it going?

I'm back! Yeah baby! So 'Living With One Direction' will be coming to it's end VERY soon, so I've decided to start a new story! I've decided to take a set back on 'Fan-Fictions' and try something a little different. I'm really excited for this story and it's a very special story to heart. I think it's different and unique qith speical twists and turnsthat I think many may connect to the characters in some way or another. It's not enitrely a long story compared to 'LWOD' but it's definitely not sure - the perfect Christmas read!

Big thank you to 'Hope Silver' for creating the cover artwork - much apreciated!

I hope you enjoy this first chapter and I will resume in updating this story once 'LWOD' comes to an end. For now I've uploaded it to get the word out and promote this story, building the suspence before banging it out.






(We'll save the random ass A/N's for later)


Tommoo x



"Loving is doing anything for them, thinking about them constantly and being able to spend your whole life with that person. Liking somebody is just like, 'Okay, I like them because of this, this and this, but I don't know if I am ready to be in love with them" ~ Chris Brown

Where has that piece of paper gone?

"Brianna, are you ready?" My Mum shouted from the stairs.

"Yes!" I yelled back down. Its three flights of stairs I needed to be heard somehow. Still looking for this piece of paper.

First day of secondary school; man I was full of mixed emotions. Happy to start a new adventure, sad to see myself becoming older, living a completely new lifestyle - I still can't tie my shoe laces!

"Bri?" Daddy questioned. I'm such a daddy's girl.

"I'm coming!"

"What is taking you so long?"

"I'll be down in second."

I ran down the 39 steps of stairs running into each room looking for the piece of paper. It's been a long summer and I'm easily loosing things!

"Why are you running like a maniac?!" My sister Savannah asked. I just ignored her and continued to look for this piece of paper.

The piece of paper was vital for today. It wasn't really a piece of paper, more of a snippet.

"Are you ready?" My Mum asked.

"Yeah." I said still looking.

"What have you lost now?"


"Well stand nicely and smile. Make sure your uniform is tidy."

"What is all this fuss, Mother?"

"We need to take a picture of your first day at school!" Oh lord.

Knowing I had very little time on my hand I went and put my shoes on. BINGO! The paper was in my shoe. I always put things in clever places!

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