Chapter Four - It Takes Two To Tango

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The song :


Lately, all of Zac’s friends have been talking to me so much. It was weird. Whenever Zac and I would go out they would join us, if we were talking in school they’d join the conversation, if we were talking on Twitter they too would join the conversation.

At first I brushed it off thinking it was nothing but it certainly was something.

That night on Twitter all his friends kept mentioning me ‘Hi’. It was the same conversation throughout with each member of the 20+ group. That’s when it all made sense! I was a target for no apparent reason. It was just for something to kill their time. Pretty sad of them really. The way I was pissed off was unbelievable. They clearly did it because it was there last year and they wouldn’t see me again.

Zac even called me that night, I ignored it. Not taking the hint he further continued and eventually texted me:

Hi Bri, you’ve got all this wrong. I spoke to you as you was a genuinely funny person I had a laugh talking with you. The guys must have thought we had something and started doing what guys do. I’m sorry. I wasn’t part of this, even you know this.

Umm, fuck you prick! Thinking about it, I think the only reason I got close to Zac was because he was someone I’d turn to whilst with Ethan, as Jai was not with me.

A year went by; I was now in year 9. A lot has changed in our school. Sydney had a fight with her friends as did Ravneet; I stopped hanging out with the guys and moved onto hang out with Sydney and Ravneet. I’d still talk to the guys just not as much. Crazy to think I’d hang out with girls!

Did I mention Cara left? Well she did. Girl got more hate than the ‘Go Compare’ man! Zac’s left too on study leave, so I don’t see him as much. Just as well I would have gone mad if I saw his face. Zac has done no good entering my life, he’s ruined my friendship with Ethan, and he’s made me look like a fool. He’s a prick. It’s also been a year without speaking to Ethan. It was horrible. I just felt like a part died inside me. It was weird. I’ve seen a side to Ethan no one else has. I missed it. It reminded me of the good friendship we once had. I just wanted to run into his arms and smell his aftershave again. It's almost like I loved him. 

I thought about this thoroughly. What did I like about Ethan? 

I like - no love his hair. It's so fluffy. His eyes. They are beautiful. The way they glisten. His nose. It's as cute as a button. His smile. That smile. It could light up all of New York. It's gorgeous. His perfect straight white teeth. The dimples. They rest perfectly. The brackets. The brackets around his smile shimmer effortlessly. His voice. It's so soothing. His personality. It's funny. It's crazy. It's cute. It's sweet. It’s for me.

What don't I love about Ethan? There has got to be something. The split personality. Fuck that's annoying. 

Did I love Ethan?

I guess this ‘aim’ wasn’t going to last much longer. A year – I still lasted long!

Today was just 'one of those days'. I wanted to go home and sleep. It was the end of the week and I was ready for the weekend. 

Last lesson, music. I could handle that lesson. I enjoyed the lesson. It had the entire group in there and it was always a good laugh. Topping it off the teacher was relaxed and didn't shout.

That was until today. 

Harvey and I were having a little crazy afternoon and started talking about penguins and what it would be like to fuck a penguin. Yes our imagination is rather creative. Being us we started writing letters to each other. These were totally forbidden and almost hard to believe a year 9 wrote it. You wouldn't want your parents to read it. 

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