Chapter Three - What's School Without Bitches?

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<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px; text-align: start;">S-I-N-G!


I left school and made my way straight to German class. My parents felt it was necessary for me to learn another language fluently causing me to end up in German. But what they don’t realise is, is that I don’t do any work! The bitch of a teacher doesn’t put any effort into ME! Mrs. Aachen even said to my face she didn’t like me! Wounded! The class is split up into two groups; the smart and the dumb. Surprisingly I’m in the smart! If you were to ask me something in German right now, I’d think you’re talking Punjabi or something! Well I know how to say ‘hello’ in Punjabi because of Harv. It’s ‘Sat-sari-akal’ in case you wondered.

In the smart class there were about twelve of us. These twins and there sister, as well as this brother and sister; there was also four random guys, and these two girls. Pretty small really. I was such a disruptive child it was unbelievable! I would just sit on the chair balancing a pencil, constantly complaining I was ill. Week in week out, this is all I would do.

Tuesday. Man I got into a load of trouble over the weekend once my mother found out. You know what she did? Grounded me. Now I’ve never been grounded so this was all knew to me, but I'm pretty sure what mummy did was not what normal families do. She took me to the cinemas, AND let me choose the movie. True story.

First lesson Food Tech. I still can't believe I got suspended on the first day. This school is like prison! I got suspended for chewing, being on my phone, rude, and the ruler being mine. Ethan took my ruler, wanker!

"Hey!" I smiled as I saw Sydney. 

"Hello!" She smiled. Sydney is such a funny girl. 

"How's the paint business?" 

"I still can't believe you picked the paint brush up and walked off!" 

"What was I meant to do? Not help you?"

"You didn't!" 

"It was still amusing!"

"Intended!" She winked. I can see Sydney and I being good friends. 

Our first food tech lesson and we were baking cookies. Soft cookies. I hate cooking. It's just pointless. I don't hate it in that way. I can cook. I just don't see why you need a grade in cooking! Have these people seriously never heard of a cookbook? A menu? Or even better, a butler?

"Hola!" Ethan smiled as I went over to get a cup of flour. 


"How was your weekend?"

"Extended weekend was great! Yours?" 

"Good fun too!"

I got the cup of flour and took it back to mine and Sydney's station. 

We baked the shitass cookies and put them in oven. 

"Who’s washing up?" Sydney asked. 

"Don't look at me!"

"I have a plan."

"Why do you have that look in your eyes?"

"Just make sure nobody is watching."

Sydney went over to this cupboard. I called it the abandoned cupboard as nothing was in there… until now. Sydney put the dirty equipment in there, and came back with a fresh set from the clean stack. 

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