Chapter Five - Rolling The Wrong Dice

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Chapter Five - Rolling The Wrong Dice

Monday morning and Ethan was World's number one prick!

I saw him nattering to Owen. Fucking Owen! Why?!

As I walked into resistant materials I just saw Ethan and Owen laughing at me in my direction. I was pissed, I was pissed like fuck. Regardless of Friday night, Ethan confessed first. Ethan, not me.

I decided not to stoop down to his level. Instead I sat on the table next to him. Sydney walked in.

"Why are you sitting on the table alone?"

"I had a headache."

"Hey Bri!" Ethan smiled. I ignored him. One thing Ethan hates is people ignoring him. Man don't like that shit.

"Why are you not talking to your boyfriend?" Alison asked.

"Boyfriend? Bitch please." I snapped. That must have hurt Ethan.

As the day went by I was overly quiet. I just didn't see any point. I loved Friday yet at the same time I hated it!

1PM I.C.T.. This was the interesting lesson. This was our lesson. This was the only lesson Ethan and I would be alone. We would always sit together. Not today. Today I refused to sit by him. I refused to sit by him at any cost.

Five minutes into the lesson and Ethan texted me:

Why are you not talking to me?

Ignored. I watched Ethan look back from the corner of my eye. I could see him broken. Why did I want to cry? Why did I want a Daus hug?

"Sir, can I go to the toilet?" I raised my hand.


I walked out of the classroom and wondered where to sit. My body walked me to the window - mine and Ethan's window as I like to call it. It's almost like I couldn't control it.

I just sat there doing absolute nothing. I should be learning how to make a website. A few moments later Ethan arrived.

"I'm not moving from this spot." He said.

"I'm not making you; I'll just go."

"No. I want to know what I've done wrong."

"You don't know?"


"I'll tell you what you did. You've gone and told Owen and his big gob about me liking you and now everyone's going to find out. I bet Friday was just a plan for you to get it out of me and allowing you to rub it in everyone's faces."

"Brianna, you need to calm down."

"I am calm." I snapped.

"No you're not. And you've got all this wrong. I haven't told anyone, nor will I!"

"Wait, you didn't tell Owen that?"

"No! Where did you get that impression from?" Where did I? "I think things have just got to your head."

"Well, this is awkward."

"Don't you trust me? Because you should. Remember when that Sabrina chaos happened, what did I tell you?"

"Everything will be ok." I muttered knowing he was right.

"Exactly. Everything was. I'm not going to let anything happen. And regardless of what happens to us in the future I'd never tell anyone." I just looked like a lost donkey.

"Come on Mr. Grimshaw is going bananas!"

"How did you get out of his lesson?"

"I told him I needed to take my insulin."

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