Chapter Nine - A Whirlwind

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Quick A/N: Yooo! Sorry for not being active things have been crazy with exams and I've just been trying to concentrate on that and take a break from wattpad and I didn't have time to write chapters for this AND my new story which I'll explain later on. Hope you enjoy the FINAL chapter as it's time to say goodbye to this. Make sure y'all check out the massive A/N at the bottom as it's very important with the message of this story and my upcoming project.  Song --->


<End of the year>

I was awake feeling good and energetic, why I don’t know but hey always good to feel positive.

That’s why I was happy, it was Saturday!

As I got out the shower my phone went off;

<From; Aran>

Don’t be late! X

What’s tonight? Oh yes!

<To; Aran>

Worry not! :- )

I actually completely forgot about today. Today was prom. Something I was NEVER interested in. These American people take it seriously like it is there bloody wedding! But hey, may as well get into the American spirit!

With the guys being ‘Jockeys’ and the girls being ‘Preps’ they were given special travel – of course, expect nothing but the least #sarcasm! I wasn’t a ‘Prep’ – which still adds criticism to the other members of the school as I ‘should not be associated with me’. Middle finger bitches! As I wasn’t with the group Aran still tried to sort some form of transport for me, however I happily said I’d make my own way in. Callum drives an Audi R8 – that’s better than a fucking limousine! I’ll add the Audi is white. Sex on a fucking car baby!

As I had woken up at 11:30AM before I knew it, it was time to get ready for prom. Now I for one am one that likes to keep it simple. I couldn’t really be arsed with this whole prom thing but Aran was going and I couldn’t say no.

I actually LOVED my prom dress; like words can’t explain how sexy it was. The way I was excited was just... wow, I was speechless!

I put my hair up in a plaited crown with a few bangs loosely out, whilst the remaining hair was tied up in a messy bun.

Nails were a simple French manicure with a gold foil finish.

The dress. The dress was amazing! It was this STUNNING gold and white gown. A sophisticated strapless dress with a beautiful neckline and shimmering gold fabric across the bust. Along with that was a delicate gold and white print on the floor length skirt. I was in love.

I simply wore Lagoon pierced earrings from Swarovski that had gold plated with sparkles.

I have such expensive taste; it’s so bad! Shoes from Gucci, they were dark gold leather ankle strap platforms.

I hate bags. Simple as.

Make was kept simple with light smoky gold eyes and a soft gold lipstick.

I know I wasn’t interested in this prom thing but if I had this chance only once I may as well make it one to remember!

Wow! It was already time.

I walked out of my room and downstairs to find Callum stood by the stairs.

“How do I look?”



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