˚✧˳ Chapter 26 - Stuck With You ˳✧˚

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❝ Will you please stop moving your leg down there?! ❞

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Will you please stop moving your leg down there?!


˚✧˳✧˚✧˳✧˚✧ 🕷 ✧˚✧˳✧˚✧˳✧˚

(Y/N) (L/N)

PETER CAN'T SEEM TO SWALLOW THE FACT THAT I KISSED HIM. I mean, it was just a kiss. It's not even a kiss, it's just an 'I need to get away from you' which worked, apparently.

"I can't believe we kissed." I heard Peter muttering to himself as we exit the previous room we were in.

"Stop making it weird, Parker," I whispered to him as I pinched his arm. "Hey, ow!" He winced.

"What's 'weird'?" Ned suddenly asked since he had no clue what we were doing behind back.

"NOTHING!" We both said in unison. So much for hiding.

Ned brushes off the thought immediately after seeing our panicked faces before going back to the original topic. "First, we put the glowy thing in the mass spectrometer."

"We gotta come up with a better name than 'glowy thingy.'". Peter suggested. "It's literally a Chitauri Energy Core," I stated.

"It's difficult to remember and hard to say," Ned mentioned while I lowered my brows.

Suddenly, from the end of the hallway, we saw two familiar men appear into our view. And both Peter and I immediately recognized those men as the ones from last night.


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"Crap." Peter cursed as he pulled me with him in the other direction to hide from the dangerous strangers that would enclose our identities.

"Come on, come on, come on," Peter called out to Ned, who seemed confused to realize what was happening.

"High schools creep me out. They got this funny smell, you know?" One of the men complained as they continued to walk straight towards our original way.

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