˚✧˳ Chapter 37 - Rejection ˳✧˚

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❝  You should've told her how you feel

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  You should've told her how you feel.


˚✧˳✧˚✧˳✧˚✧ 🕷 ✧˚✧˳✧˚✧˳✧˚

(Y/N) (L/N)

I HAVE BEEN ABSENT for about 2 weeks now. Introducing me to the world as a Stark was something that made the world turn into a curve. The Internet blew up because of me.

My phone feels like it was about to blow up from all the notifications I got. People from school were spamming of friend requests from Snapchat and I earned like 3 million followers on Instagram and I have zero posts.

A lot of people from school messaged me on my social media accounts acting like we were friends! I don't even have friends! I don't even have a girl best friend!

And now it's too late to find one because they know who you are.

Even though my notifications are off the charts, there was only one person I was looking forward to find on my Phone; Peter Parker.

He hasn't texted me, called me, and he wasn't active on any gaming devices either.

Th thought of Peter abandoning me made my stomach churn. Seeing him almost breaking down when Stark requested for his suit was already painful on itself what more if he left and forgot about me.

Suddenly, my phone rang.

"Hey, kiddo, I got good news... You're back to school. Mr. Stark said it was enough punishment and he thought he didn't like you going to school."

"I'll pick you up at... 7 sharp."

"Alright, thank you Happy."

˚✧˳✧˚✧˳✧˚✧ 🕷 ✧˚✧˳✧˚✧˳✧˚

Well, this is it. The front door of Peter Parker.

My pride went down on its own when it was Peter who was in his vulnerable state that had come running through. I understand if he ghosted all of his social platforms, and who knows, maybe May confiscated his phone privileges.

I don't even know if he's mad at me...

Well, there's only one way to find out.

I knocked on the door three times. A few steps came closer as my heart went still with its phase. A lock detaches and the door swung opened by a tired-looking Peter.

A smile came crawling to my face while Peter had a slightly surprised expression. He blinked a few times as he pushes the door out a bit. "(Y/N)..?"

"Hey, Peter! Haha... Just so you know I haven't been attending school you know? And I pay a visit to make sure you were okay since you never left me a message... Are you okay?" I said as I examined his overall appearance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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