˚✧˳ Chapter 16 - Swinging ˳✧˚

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❝ You won't fall

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You won't fall... Just trust me.


˚✧˳✧˚✧˳✧˚✧ 🕷 ✧˚✧˳✧˚✧˳✧˚

(Y/N) (L/N)

I JUST FOUND OUT THAT PETER QUIT ALL OF HIS AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES. I memorized everything that he does that's why I know.

"Peter, it's nationals. Is there no way you could take one weekend off?"

And oh yeah, planted a hearing tracker.

"I can't go to Washington. If Mr. Stark needs me, I have to make sure that I'm here."

Yeah, right, Parker.

But I guess he's using it as a reason so he could spend more time watching the City.

Everyone in the other room began to argue about Peter's schedule. For damn sure, soon he will be quitting his school decathlon team for the sake of joining the Avengers, which I see happening.

He was really into this superhero thing that even left marching band and robotics club.

˚✧˳✧˚✧˳✧˚✧ 🕷 ✧˚✧˳✧˚✧˳✧˚

As soon as the bell rang, I head on to in front of the door of where he was going to come out.

"Hey, Peter." I greeted him.

"Ah!—Oh, h-hey, (Y/N)." Peter stumbled a bit before proceeding with his walk. A walk that anyone could tell he was up to something.

"Where do you think you're going Spider-Boy?" I fasten my pace and blocked him at front making him stop in his tracks.

I leaned closer to the boy which made his head inched backward as he tightly holds his backpack's straps in a nervous manner. "W-What do you mean? I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"Quit it, Parker. Even a 6th grader could tell pretend under your act." I uttered.

'I need to stop him so I could check up on his physical and mental state.'

"Okay, okay... It's been always my duty to save the world and stuff, and you know it's been like a daily routine—"

'Stop him.'

"I'm coming with you."


"And supposedly today is—What? C-Come with me?" Peter has his eyes on me again and was fidgeting.

"Don't make me repeat myself."

"Are you sure? I mean like... Technically, you are an agent and we could work some things out I guess... W-Wait, why are you coming with me again?" He questions again.

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