˚✧˳ Chapter 1: Boy named 'Peter Parker' ˳✧˚

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❝ This dude is Spider-Man? He looks like he hasn't touched a girl his entire life

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This dude is Spider-Man? He looks like he hasn't touched a girl his entire life.


˚✧˳✧˚✧˳✧˚✧ 🕷 ✧˚✧˳✧˚✧˳✧˚


(Y/N) (L/N)



"But Ms. (Y/N) this is your 6th time snoozing with your supposed 8 AM alarm. Are you sure to snooze again?"


Ah shit. I woke up at noon again. I stretched my body as I was welcomed by the sun's rays burning in my eye. I quickly transformed my hand into a mini shield to protect me from sunlight. "God, Stark, and his unbelievably large windows."

If you asked just how rich this, Tony Stark man is; The kitchen is on a different floor and you can only access through it by a special elevator. This place was solo, he built this mini apartment for me to live in.

After the whole Ultron Offensive thing that he didn't allow me to join and literally sent me to a different state just so I could be safe, Stark sold the tower and 'migrated' to a brand new building where I would dumo my shit.

I glance at my bedside table where a piece of unknown metal shaped like a spike stands. It was from Thor; he got it from Destroyer; it serves as a souvenir and he gave it to me. He and I seem to agree in many ways such as our daddy issues, resulting in a friendship being born.

A disastrous friendship.

Yes, we are best friends with Thor.

I reached for my glasses and adjusted them on my face. And before you could whine to the author that you don't wear glasses, these bad boys aren't graded at all. They have access to Maria, my A.I.

"Greetings, (Y/N)." The automated voice automatically detected my presence once I went to the fridge. "Morning, Maria," I reply back grabbing a cold sandwich from the fridge. "Ms. (Y/N) it is already 12:45 PM."

This digital assistant that Tony made was actually named after me.

Miraculously. And. Really. Intelligently. Annoying.

I don't even know if that's grammatically correct.

You see, my dad loved me very much. Oh, why I called him dad? After clearing his schedule and gathering enough papers, he adopted me to call me one of his own. So, I am now known as (Y/N) Stark rather than my birth name. People learned about my name only. Tony refused me to expose his only adoptive daughter to the public.

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