˚✧˳ Prologue ˳✧˚

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˚✧˳✧˚✧˳✧˚✧ 🕷 ✧˚✧˳✧˚✧˳✧˚

"Mama ! arrête ! Je n'en peux plus ! S'il vous plaît !"

"Maintenant, sois gentille ma chère (Y/N) ça va bientôt finir."

"Papa ! J'ai peur, je n'en veux pas !"




The sun was swallowed with the view of the highest ground in the city as dusk took over the sky, turning it far more beautiful than blue. The heavens were a gradient of orange and yellow along with perfectly aligned clouds that complimented the atmosphere; It marked this day when the fragile little girl woke up from her aided bed.

The heavily bruised child gently elevated her top body, wincing at the soreness she has received she got from the great battle she had with a man we call by the name, 'Tony Stark.'

Strangely, she has no memory of any of the previous events that occurred.

A man in professional clothes that look fancy enough to know it was worth someone's salary entered the spacious room that is completed with a sofa by the corner that paired with a TV and a mini kitchen on the opposite side.

"You're finally awake." The strange man spoke tediously as he removed the dark shaded glasses from his eye's possession.

"W-Who are you? W-Where am I?" She startled backing up from her cushion.

"You can call me 'Mr. Stark' for now." The eccentric male ignored her question and took a sit on the available chair beside her bed. He sighed exhaustingly as he slightly leaned down and grasped both of his hands together. "Do you feel anything strange right now?"

The girl shook her head in a 'no'.

"Do you remember anything before you waking up today?"

She shook her head once again.

"Good." The billionaire stared intently back to the young female's eyes as the memory of their brawl played on his mind on repeat, subconsciously knowing that she was capable of many things. And one of them is tearing him apart in a second.

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