Kakashi and Iruka

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Kakashi and Iruka had been in the middle of trying to locate where Ryland Tokiami had disappeared to when a scuffle towards the door caught their attention.  Kakashi's mouth literally dropped open when he watched Sarah flatten her fist into Tokiami's face.  He had not expected anything like that out of her.  His mouth still had her taste in it from having left her only moments ago.  Her gentle and almost hesitant nature was in stark contrast to the image that was now burned into his brain.  He then saw that Tokiami had been holding Melissa hostage and it all made sense to him.  The two women ran out the front door and a flash of silver caught his attention as Tokiami raced after them.  He barely took in the bystanders on their phones as he hit Iruka in the arm before running after them.

As they passed through the front door to outside, it took them a moment to get the direction they had gone.  Melissa's heels were laying in the sidewalk, pointing them in the right direction.  As they ran, Kakashi heard a distant shout, "Go, damn it!"  Sarah.  He ran faster in that direction and Melissa suddenly came into view running towards them.

"Isaac! Michael!" she yelled. "That son of a bitch has Sarah! Two blocks back, one to the left!"

In the distance, he could hear sirens.  Kakashi looked over at Iruka, "I've got this.  Get her back to our room."

Iruka gave a nod as he took Melissa's hand and went in the opposite direction.  Kakashi used his chakra to leap onto the rooftops as he ran in the direction she had indicated.  He knew he would be sticking to the shadows now as he fled.  He kept his eyes down into the shadows of the alleyways as he leapt from building to building.  He focused his hearing, listening for any sound.

"Why? Why did you choose her?" he heard Sarah ask. He shifted his course in the direction the words had come from.  He cursed inwardly as Tokiami spoke.  He had hoped to be able to tell her himself but it didn't matter now.  "Who are you?"

"Shut up!  I'm done talking with you!"

That was not good, not good at all.  He raced ahead of where he was heading and dropped into the darkness below.  He watched as Sarah slowly slid her hand into her pocket, pulling something out as Tokiami looked around for anyone that might be watching.  He knew without a doubt that her life was in the balance at that point.

"Let her go now or you're dead where you stand," Kakashi growled low.

Anger rolled through him as he saw the blade cut into the flesh of her skin and blood roll down her neck.  He ignited his Chidori in warning.  Sarah looked at him with wide eyes, the truth clarifying in her eyes as she gazed upon him. She would recognize that Chidori, even if she did not immediately recognize him.  He could see shock in her eyes.

"Kakashi..." she whispered.

Tokiami narrowed his eyes on him, tightening his grip on her.  A little more blood rolled down her throat.  Just a flick of the wrist and she was dead.  Sarah looked at him and gave a slight smile.  It startled him a bit that look.

"Don't worry about me," she said.  "Just finish your business and get home.  My life doesn't matter that much.  I've done everything now that I wanted to do."

Kakashi narrowed his eyes slightly.  She couldn't be serious.  Yet he could see a calm come over her features, acceptance.  He was shaken as he realized she was talking about that kiss he had given her.  He then saw her shift the object she had pulled out of her pocket in her hand.  She gave him a look and he knew she was about to do something.  He tried to convey with his eyes not to do it but her lips were twitching up.  Fuck.

Tokiami cursed, "You really are fucking crazy."

The blade shifted on her neck, not quite as close as it had been as he glared down at her.  Sarah knew it was the right moment and slammed the taser against the arm holding the blade.  The familiar sound of the taser along with electrical discharge echoed off the walls.  She could smell burnt flesh as he suddenly howled.  She was stunned when he dropped the blade from his suddenly numb hand.  She had expected the blade to slice her neck open.

Kakashi moved in the same moment.  He grabbed hold of her, yanking her out of his grasp and shoving her behind him.  A beeping sound filled the air and Tokiami grabbed inside his pocket, a sly smile crossing his features as Kakashi leaped at him with the Chidori.  A portal opened around him and in a second he disappeared.  Kakashi growled and slammed his fist into the ground in frustration.


Melissa was a mass of nerves as she paced back and forth in front of the window.  Her eyes were on the three squad cars in front of the bar down the street.  She was worried sick about Sarah and her eyes were burning with the need to cry.  She would not cry.  She was tougher than that but she really wanted to.  What the hell happened?  How did this happen?

She shifted her eyes over to the man who only a short while before she had been making out with.  She was not in the mood for anything right now and he seemed to sense it as he was keeping his distance.  

"She's going to be alright, Ka-Michael is very good at what he does," he finally said into the growing silence.

She turned towards him and narrowed her eyes.  "Isaac isn't your real name is it? Nor Michael his.  That man said I was insurance which can only mean he is the one you were waiting on.  Who are you really?"

Iruka pulled his mask off completely and tossed it on the nightstand next to the television.  It was a mistake to tell her the truth and he didn't think he had the authority to make that decision. He raked his fingers through his now short hair.  He was upset because it was his fault any of this happened.  If he had been thinking with his brain instead of his cock, he never would have been made by Tokiami.  The fact that he had zeroed in on Melissa meant that he had seen enough of him when he was kissing her to identify him.  Fuck.  He held his head between his hands.  Kakashi was going to be pissed when he found out and rightly so.

Melissa gave a heavy sigh at his silence then walked over to where he was sitting.  She knelt down in front of him, drawing his attention up to her.  She stared at him for a long moment, taking in his features.  She had sobered up the minute she had started running for her life.  Now as she looked at his face, the puzzle pieces started falling into place.  She gasped as she suddenly realized who it was that he looked like... 

"Iruka?" she suddenly asked. His dark eyes widened and she almost fell on her ass as she straightened while backing up.  If this was Iruka then the other one... "Holy Shit... Michael is Kakashi.  How the hell is this possible?"

Iruka gave a sigh then a chuckle, "Damn.  Made twice in one day."

Melissa covered her mouth as he confirmed the crazy idea that had come into her mind.  He did not answer how it was possible, she had a good idea how they had gotten here.  The fact that they were real and not just the figment of a writer's imagination; however, was blowing her mind.  She had actually made out with Iruka, her 2D crush.  Oh. My. God.  No wonder I got so hot and bothered so fast.  Some part of herself had recognized him.  She then gasped as she thought about what Sarah had done tonight.  She was going to literally die of embarrassment and then she was going to kill her for making her do it!  She swallowed hard before she met his gaze.

"Well... that explains why I hooked into you so fast."

"Pardon?" he asked with wide eyes.

"You've always been my favorite guy," she admitted.

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