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Sarah sent off her text to Melissa, casting a glance at Kakashi as he silently stood next to the curb watching for the ride she had sent off for just before updating her friend.  Her hands were a little shaky and she wondered if this was really happening.  Was she actually passed out somewhere in a drunk stupor?  It felt too much like a dream.  She cast a glance down at herself once more as she had done before leaving for the night.  She just couldn't wrap her mind around it as she shoved her phone into her pants pocket.  She briefly touched her lips that were definitely a little sore from the passionate kiss in the alley.  She'd never been kissed like that before and it was different even from his first kiss.

The UBER pulled up and her heart jumped in her chest.  He gave her one of those half-lidded smiles as he opened the door for her.  His hand went to the small of her back as she moved forward and the touch rippled across her body.  He followed her into the back as she shifted over to the other seat.  The driver looked up as Kakashi shut the door.

"Is this the right address?"

"Yes," Sarah answered after he rattled off the address.

The driver pulled out into traffic and as she looked over at Kakashi, she almost laughed.  He was visibly tense sitting in the seat.  Was this his first time in a car?  He glanced over at her, his hand wrapped around the handle next to him.  Oh, this had to be.  She grinned at him.

"So did you hear what happened at the new bar on the square?" The driver asked them.

Sarah looked towards the driver and answered, "No.  We heard sirens but didn't know what was going on."

"Apparently some guy tried to abduct a lady right inside the door.  Another lady got involved and all three of them ended up running out.  My last pick up was there, saw the whole thing and got it on video."

Sarah paled, "The whole thing?"

"Yeah, from the moment one gal punched the abductor to the three of them running down the street.  There were two guys that went running after them too.  This will go viral for sure.  My last client already had posted to several social media pages."

"Oh my..." she commented in a small voice.

Fuck.  There was no way that she wouldn't be identified in that video once someone at the sheriff's office saw it.  She bit her lower lip and absently fidgeted in the seat.  Kakashi leaned over towards her and whispered in her ear, "Are you okay?"

The car pulled to a stop in front of her place before she could answer.  She gave him a "I'll tell you in a minute" look before she turned towards the driver.  "Thank you, I added your tip on the app."

Kakashi got out fast, obviously not a fan of riding in a car.  She would have laughed had she not been worried as hell that someone was going to show up at her place when she didn't go to work in the morning.  She pulled her phone back out as they walked up the sidewalk to the front porch, typing out a quick text to her supervisor before turning the phone off.  She then shoved the phone back in her pocket and pulled the keys out of her other pocket. He took them from her and unlocked the front door, pushing it open and placing his hand again on the small of her back as he ushered her inside.

She half expected him to be on her the second they were inside but instead, he walked around the living room looking at everything.  Their home was decorated in a mixed style, contributions from both women woven throughout.  On their walls, however, were nothing but art of their two favorite characters which had caught his attention.

His face was a little flushed, "So... um... Iruka too?"

"Iruka is Melissa's crush," she responded softly, a little embarrassed.

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