The Audacity

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Sarah was excited as she started off into the village on her own a few weeks later.  Kakashi's "few days" had turned into weeks.  She had to smile as she thought about him.  He was over the top in his affection towards her.  He had loved the meals she had made for him and she had made sure to make Miso Eggplant at least once a week once he showed her how.  He was busy painting the house today so he had suggested she go spend time with Melissa instead of hanging around watching him.  She had jumped at the chance.  She had the idea to get a few decorative items for inside the house and see about plants for around the house.  It was going to be fun to do some girl stuff with Melissa after all this time.  She wondered how her friend had adjusted to life with Iruka.  She had not lived with a man in so long that Sarah had to wonder.

Melissa gave a little squeal when she saw her and gave her a huge hug.  "Oh my gosh, it seems like it's been forever!"

"Yes!  How have you been doing? Did you get settled in good?"

Melissa grinned with a devilish twinkle, "I've been having so much fun.  Iruka is such a sweetheart.  I get a little bored while he's gone during the day but the nights... oh my.  What about you and Kakashi..."  She froze, "What is that on your finger?"

Sarah bit her lower lip, "Surprise?"

"You got married and didn't tell me!" Melissa howled loudly.

"The first day we were here," Sarah laughed. "It wasn't like it was planned.  When we started walking home, he suddenly took me to the temple and... I became Sarah Hatake."

Melissa's mouth was hanging open, "What the hell... Damn, I didn't think that Kakashi would move that fast!"

"Imagine my surprise..." Sarah blushed. "I like that he's retired, Melissa.  The two of us get to spend all the time together.  It's been... interesting.  I thought I had him all figured out but there is a whole other side to him.  I'm starting to realize that he doesn't think very highly of himself."

"What?" Melissa asked with wide eyes.  "Why do you say that?"

"I can't explain it but it's just something I've started picking up on.  People here in the village... many of them have held his past against him and somewhere along the way, he started believing what they thought of him."  Sarah nodded to an art shop, "Hey let's go in there.  My place is so barren right now and could really use a bit of color to brighten it up."

They wandered around the shop for a little bit before Melissa looked over at her, "I have a confession to make.  While things are great with Iruka, I've been kinda getting a little bit of the heat that Kakashi has dealt with."

Sarah turned away from the canvas art that had immediately caught her attention.  It would be perfect in the living room.  "What do you mean?"

"Now don't get mad..."

"Now I guarantee I'm going to get mad," Sarah said while crossing her arms in front of her.  "What is going on?"

"It started with the old lady that lives next door... then has progressed through some of the parents of Iruka's students.  I feel like I'm wearing a scarlet letter.  Apparently it's still a taboo to be openly living together without being married in the village.  Can you believe that?"

"Well... you remember Asuma and Kurenai?  They were sneaking around."

"Ugh..." Melissa moaned.  "Yeah, I do remember but I had forgotten about it.  What kind of bullshit is that anyways?"  She frowned slightly, "I wonder if that's why Kakashi dragged you off immediately like that?"

Sarah blinked then her mouth slowly dropped open.  "Well son-of-a-bitch, I think you might be right!  He's very protective of me... that would actually make sense."

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