The Land of Fire

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Sarah looked up and knew without being told that it was Sasuke. She had recognized the voice long before she saw him. He looked exactly the same, right down to the smug smirk. She shimmied off Kakashi and he got to his feet. He dusted off the back of his outfit before looking to Sasuke.

"Our mission failed," Kakashi said softly. "The bastard transported somewhere else right when I was about to get him.  He had some kind of device and it made a beeping sound, like a timer.  He must not be able to transport at will as you can."

Sasuke's eyes went to the two women then back to Kakashi.  "Dare I ask?"  He then looked at Sarah and he almost jerked.  He then looked back at his sensei with wide eyes.  He was obviously shocked and Kakashi's expression was one that she recognized as feigned boredom.

"They were attacked by Tokiami," Iruka said.  "We couldn't just leave them... I mean, what if he came back after them?"

Sasuke looked at him and shook his head.  "You might want a better excuse than that Iruka.  Even Naruto wouldn't buy that.  Speaking of which..."

Melissa jumped back when a flash of gold streaked down from the sky and landed in the clearing.  She got behind Iruka and peered around, startled by the power that radiated off the young man that had landed so effortlessly.

"Sorry I'm late," Naruto said as he straightened. "I had some paperwork to finish up and lost track of the time.  So did you get him?"

Kakashi gave a heavy sigh, "No.  He recognized us and made a run for it.  I almost had him when he teleported away to who knows where."

"Damnit," Naruto said.  "It took a while to track where he went that time."

"He's using some kind of device to travel.  I wondered how he was doing it without the Rinnegan but it has to be that bit of technology.  I don't think he can do it right away because he didn't teleport away until it started beeping."

Naruto then noticed the two women.  "Kakashi sensei?"

"Naruto, this is Melissa Woods and this is Sarah Reece," Kakashi introduced them.  "They were at the bar where we were watching for him.  By a unique set of circumstances, we ended up at the same table.  Tokiami when he recognized us, tried to take Melissa... the rest just spiraled from there."

Sarah felt her face flush a little as Naruto's bright blue eyes went over her.  He then looked over at Iruka who was still holding Melissa's hand.  His lips twitched before he started laughing.  Kakashi's cheeks turned pink.

"Kakashi, Iruka sensei's..." he said between loud laughs.  "I sent you to get a terrorist and you come back with girlfriends.  I never... I never thought...  This is too funny.  I can't wait to tell Hinata about this."

"Naruto..." Kakashi growled.

"No, no... this is... priceless!  I never thought you'd find a woman old man... either one of you!  Who'd have thought they were in another world?"  Naruto went into more laughter before he finally settled down.  "I'm sure you thought this through.  I won't say anything against it.  Welcome to the Land of Fire, Melissa and Sarah."

Kakashi relaxed at the words then gave that half-lidded smile of his, "Thank you, Naruto."

"One thing... I wouldn't tell anyone where they came from.  Just say they came from another land if anyone asks," Naruto advised.

"Naruto is right," Sasuke finally spoke again.  "There are those that might have bad intentions for them if they knew where they came from.  Speaking of which... I'm going to start hunting Tokiami again.  Give Sakura my regards."

Sarah blinked as he opened a portal and disappeared.  Naruto gave them a smile as he went back into full chakra mode, "I'll expect your report but not until you get some rest.  You look tired, old man."  With that he streaked into the air and out of sight.

Kakashi and Iruka collected the bags before they started towards the village.  As they reached the massive gates, both women were in awe.  It was more impressive than on the show.  They giggled when they saw the same two guys that were always guarding at their station, looking bored as always.  They said nothing to them since they were with Kakashi and Iruka, only gave them wide eyed looks.  As they came to a point in the road, the two men stopped.

Iruka rubbed the back of his neck, "I guess this is where we part for now?"

Sarah and Melissa had not considered that they would be separated.  Melissa was the first to recover and gave her friend a hug while whispering, "Have fun playing house with Kakashi.  We'll exchange notes next time we see each other."

Sarah laughed and shoved her hands into her pockets as her friend gave a wave and went off with Iruka in the opposite direction.  Kakashi looked down at her.  "My place is this way.  I'll make sure you guys see each other in a few days."

She looked up at him and smiled, "It's not a big village.  I'm sure we'll run into one another before then."

Kakashi leaned close to her to whisper in her ear, "I plan on keeping you busy for the next few days, Sarah."

She felt her face flush with color and he gave her one of those half-lidded smiles that made her turn to melted butter.  He then started walking down the busy street.  Sarah could not help but look at everything in wonder.  Little did she know that Melissa was feeling the same way as she followed Iruka down the street.  Seeing the village in the flesh was wonderous and a sense of coming home fell upon them both.  They had longed for this place and now they were there.

Iruka finally stopped at a small house in a residential district.  The paint on the outside was yellow and cheerful.  Everything was pristine, even the yard.  She could tell that he had taken a lot of pride in his small home.  One of the neighbors came out and gave him a wave as well as sending a curious look towards Melissa.  The old woman then looked at the bags he was carrying and her brows went up.

"Oh dear..." Melissa whispered.  "Your neighbor has that disapproving look on her face."

"People in the village are still old fashioned, especially the elders.  Just ignore it." Iruka told her as he set her bags down and pulled his key out from one of his pockets.  "They'll eventually get used to seeing you and won't think anything about it."

Melissa frowned at his back.  That was easy for him to say, he was a man.  Women took the brunt of scorn more than men did when it came to that way of thinking.  She shook her head, knowing there was no point in dwelling on it.  She had made her choice and she felt in her heart it was the right one.

He stepped to the side to let her pass in front of him.  She was surprised as she stepped inside and got her first look into his personal life.  There was not a whole lot on Iruka's private side in the Manga or on the show.  Almost all of his appearances were wrapped around Naruto.  In Shippuden, he had been living in an apartment not a house.

The decor was just as vibrant as the outside.  The walls were a soft yellow, while many green plants threw a striking color against it.  Paintings that blended well with the two predominant colors were on the walls, while the furnishings themselves were in neutral colors.  She saw a framed photograph of Naruto, Hinata, and Iruka on top of a book case that had been taken at the wedding.  Another photograph next to it was of his parents with him as a small child.  The floors were a dark wood and gleamed.  She felt peace standing in the home.

"It's beautiful, Iruka," she finally said as she looked back at him.  He was standing next to the now closed door expectantly.  "Have you been here long?"

"A couple of years," he responded with a grin before picking her bags back up.  "Come on, I'll show you around after I put these in our room."

Melissa felt warmth spread through her body at his use of the word our.

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