Twist In Time

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Sarah was about to pass out as Melissa started the last DVD in the collection.  This seemed like it was a dead end.  The DVD she was putting in was a special release and had not made quite as many rounds as the other movies.  Sarah remembered as the two had saved up and used their combined income tax return to buy the $1000 release.  They had managed to purchase #52 of  100.  It had been a special release from the author, limited, and they both agreed a ploy to exploit the obsessed.  Yet they had managed to get a copy of it... but had to do some real fighting to get it.  It was for that reason they had kept it in it's own case inside the case.

She was about to drift off when she saw something that made her blood run cold.  "FREEZE THAT!"  Melissa almost jumped at her yell and rewinded to where she said.  "THAT'S THE MOTHERFUCKER THAT SLICED MY THROAT!"

Kakashi almost dumped her on the floor as he came out of his seat to move closer to the screen.  He narrowed his gray eyes, "Erin Rizer.  I remember this mission.  It was supposed to be a relatively simple mission that went to hell very quick.  I thought he felt familiar at the time but it was before the war...  We helped him why would he want revenge on us?"  He looked back at Sarah, "Are you certain it was him?"

"I will never forget that face," she whispered.  "It was the face of death."

He gave a heavy sigh and nodded, "I have to talk to Naruto now."  He looked at Iruka and Melissa, "Can she stay with you while I'm gone?"

"Of course," Iruka gave a nod.  "We'll make sure she's safe."

"Thank you," he looked at Sarah.  "I'll be back as soon as possible."

Pakkun appeared as Kakashi left and hopped up in Sarah's lap.  She grinned at him and scratched behind his ears.  Melissa's brows went up as she watched them.  "Why Pakkun, you don't strike me as the loving type."

"Only for her," he responded gruffly.  "She enjoys it so I accommodate her."

Sarah's hazel eyes were twinkling with restrained laughter.  She loved rubbing his silky ears.  "Yes, I'm very demanding about this.  I need my Pakkun time.  We've gotten very close since he's been guarding me so closely and I love him very much."

Pakkun was making noises of protest but he was obviously loving it.  Iruka rolled his eyes and turned away before the Ninja Hound could see him laughing.  Melissa didn't bother to hide her humor.  "He is awful cute," she finally said.  "But also fierce and strong."

Sarah grinned as Pakkun rolled over and let her rub his belly.  He really was a sweet dog and she did love him.  She wondered about his fighting skills though.  He had always been portrayed more as a tracker than a fighter.  She didn't care, she was sure she was safe enough with Iruka and Melissa.

Abruptly her stomach growled loudly and she felt her face flush with color.  "Oh my..."

Melissa was staring at her wide eyed, "Girl, when did you eat last?"

"Right before we came over," Sarah blushed.

It was on the tip of her tongue to tell them about the baby but she had promised Kakashi they wouldn't say anything to anyone yet.  Melissa was eyeing her closely and she had to shift her eyes away.  Her best friend could read her like a book and she'd know she was hiding something before long.

"It was small though..." Sarah continued while focusing on Pakkun.

"Sarah Lee Hatake, are you-"

The ground rattled and they all stilled.  Iruka ran to the window and pushed the curtain to the side.  He gave a small curse under his breath, "Something is happening in the village.  It looks like some kind of an explosion."  He looked at Melissa before popping a hidden panel in the floor, "You three get in here and don't come out until I return."

"But-" Melissa started to argue.

Iruka grabbed her in a tight hold before whispering, "You have to watch over her while I'm gone.  You're more than capable of protecting her now.  Don't argue with me."

Melissa gave him a nod before grabbing her sword and motioning for Sarah.  Pakkun leaped down and ran ahead of them.  Sarah gave a hesitant look before going down the stairs under the hidden panel.  Melissa kissed Iruka quickly before following, grabbing a flashlight on the ledge at the top of the stairs.  She turned it on as Iruka shut the panel behind her, plunging the area into darkness.  As she reached the bottom, Sarah's wide eyed expression was almost comical.

"You have a hidden room in your house?"

Melissa laughed, "Yes.  Iruka said it was the reason he bought this place.  He thought it was prudent to have something like this in case of emergencies, especially after all the times the Leaf has been attacked."

Sarah looked at the sword in her hand, "Since when did you know how to use a sword?"

"Since Iruka thought I should know how to take care of myself," Melissa shot back.  "I'm surprised Kakashi hasn't done the same with you."

Sarah shrugged, "I'm not exactly in the best of shape to fight.  You on the other hand... I bet you're fast as hell."

Melissa grinned but didn't comment.  She then grew sober as the ground shook once more.  "What do you suppose is happening?"

"I have a feeling it has something to do with the guy that almost killed me," Sarah said softly. "Kakashi is right, they helped them.  Why would he do this?"

Pakkun suddenly grew stiff and he made a hissing sound at them.  "Be quiet, someone is upstairs and it's not Iruka or Kakashi.  Melissa turn off the lights."

Melissa complied but did withdraw the sword from it's sheath.  She could now hear the faint steps of someone walking through the house above.  She moved closer to Sarah, "Sit down in the corner in case this gets messy."

A chair moved, the footsteps continued.  They were going slowly through the house, searching.  A glass broke, making her flinch.  She hated the dark but Pakkun was right, it was too risky to have any light.  Despite all of her training, she could feel fear rising up in her.  Was she really ready to face whatever was upstairs searching for them?  Pakkun lowered into a defensive position.  A small click and she felt the blood leave her face.  She was going to find out real soon.

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