Mrs. Umino

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Melissa could not believe that she was on her way across town, hand in hand with Iruka.  He was almost running as he dragged her along with him.  She really freaked him out packing up to leave like she had done.  He was taking no chances.  The moment she said yes he was telling her to get dressed so they could go to the temple.  She could see the looks that they were getting and it made her want to reach out to slap someone.

"Won't they all be surprised when they hear that we got married?" Iruka said as he looked over his shoulder to her with that smile she had fallen in love with.  "That should set them on their ear and I'll get the prettiest bride in the village."

She felt her face flush, "I don't know about the prettiest..."

"Are you kidding me right now?" Iruka laughed, "You have eyes that are like the ocean, curves that should be illegal, and a smile that makes my heart twist in my chest.  Trust me, you're the prettiest bride this village has ever seen."

"Iruka... are you sure you want to do it this way?  I mean I don't have anyone here but you have Naruto and the community..."

"I want to get married now," he responded.  "Naruto will understand and as for the others... I really don't care about what the community wants.  I just want you as my wife, now."

Melissa wondered if they weren't being a little impetuous.  It seemed like since they met they had been riding on a high.  The sex was amazing, the quiet nights in were peaceful, and some of their conversations were so deep that it made her question what she had always believed.  Today was the first hiccup in their relationship but it was all based on her own insecurities.  It had bothered her that Kakashi had married Sarah immediately.  She was happy for her friend but it had made her feel like she was less lovable.  And made her question if Iruka would ever ask her to marry him.  She had been crazy about him for so long, she felt like they had been together forever.  It made it harder for her to realize that he really hadn't known her that long.

As they hurried up the steps to the temple, she pulled on his arm to stop him.  She shifted on her feet when he stopped to look at her, "Iruka... it was wrong of me to blow up as I did today.  I'm sorry for doing that to you.  You don't have to rush to do this... I promise, I won't run out on you.  I don't want you to feel like you have to do this to keep me..."

Iruka laughed and pulled her close.  He kissed her before stepping back, "I told you, I was going to ask you tonight.  I had a whole elaborate thing planned for the asking.  I want to do this... I put it off too long.  I knew you were the one that first day.  I wanted to bring you here to be with me forever and was almost sick thinking I was going to have to leave you."

"I love you, Iruka, I have for a very long time.  I just want you to be happy."

"This makes me happy..." he laughed then tugged her forward again.

Melissa felt lighter in her heart as they walked through the front of the temple.  Iruka motioned for her to wait where she was before disappearing into the back.  She looked up at the old walls, transfixed by the architecture and the intricate carvings into the wood.  There was peace inside these walls.  She turned as Iruka returned with an old monk.  The old monk came up to her and gave her a long look.  She looked back at him, wide eyed feeling as if he was looking into her very soul.  It unnerved her in truth.  He finally gave a nod to Iruka and took her hand to place it in Iruka's.  He then started wrapping a cloth around it, speaking words so softly she thought she almost imagined them. She gave a gasp as she felt energy surge between her and Iruka.  In her mind, images flashed past but it was so quick that she could not distinguish them.  The cloth around their joined hands shimmered and disappeared in a flame of fire.  The old monk gave a nod of his head then walked away from them.

"Wow..." she said with wide eyes.

Iruka laughed softly, "Felt that did you?  I wondered if you would."

"What was that?" she asked with wide eyes.

"When a man and woman are married, there is a transference between the man and woman.  You could say that part of the woman is passed to the man, part of the man is passed to the woman.  There are variations in what is passed on.  In some cases, you can tell when something is happening to the other.  Some say they can almost read the minds of their spouse.  It just varies from couple to couple."

"I saw something but it went by so fast I couldn't see what it was," Melissa said in wonder.

Iruka took her hand and slid the ring onto her finger.  He then lead her outside so that he could kiss her properly before grinning, "So... Mrs. Umino where would you like to go first?"

Melissa grinned up at him, "I think we should tell Kakashi and Sarah?  The last they saw we were splitting up."

Iruka gave a nod, "Yes, you're probably right.  You know... Sarah said that you were leaving.  It was why I ran after you like a madman."

Melissa smiled, "She knows me so well.  We're really more like sisters than friends."

"I know the two of you seem to have a way of getting in trouble together," Iruka muttered.

"I'll have you know until we met you two, we were never in trouble." Melissa said with a smirk.  "So really... it seems like you two have been a bad influence on us."

Iruka choked, "Now wait just a minute..."

Melissa laughed at his look then tucked his arm into her own as she pulled him down the street.  "Shall I go through everything that has happened to us since we met y'all?"

"That won't be necessary," Iruka groaned before tugging her in a different direction.  "Kakashi's place is this way."

They walked for a ways before it came into the distance.  Iruka's brows went up when he looked at the new paintjob on the home.  Melissa started laughing as she saw the color.  "Well that wasn't like that the last time I was out here."

"That would be Sarah's doing," Melissa chuckled.  "She loves blue, especially that color of blue."

"It actually looks pretty good," he remarked. "Not a color I would have chosen but it is definitely an upgrade from what it looked like a month ago."

"Sarah has to have Kakashi wrapped around her finger to get him to agree to that," Melissa smirked.  "He does not strike me as the type to go for that normally."

"Kakashi doesn't spend a whole lot of time working on home projects. I was actually surprised when he bought the place instead of continuing at his apartment."

Melissa looked at the plants that were sitting on the front porch.  Sarah was definitely going with a beach look at her new place.  She knocked on the door and waited... and waited... It seemed forever before it finally opened.  Sarah's face was flushed as she looked out at her.

"Oh hey!  Y'all made up!" Sarah clapped her hands together.

Melissa raised her hand up so that she could see the ring.  Sarah gave a squeal and threw her arms around her.  Melissa squealed with her and Iruka trailed behind them as they went into the house chattering.  He gave a small smirk as he saw Kakashi hastily pulling his mask on and adjusting his clothing.  They had obviously interrupted something.

"Can I assume all this squealing means you got married?" Kakashi asked Iruka.

"Yes, Melissa wanted you two to be the first to know," Iruka smiled.

"Congratulations," Kakashi said with a smile.  "I'm glad that everything worked out."

"Me too," Iruka agreed.

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