Blood Vow

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Sarah's neck was itching and she wanted to scratch it so bad.  Ugh, stitches suck but to have them on your neck was even worse.  Why couldn't they just seal the whole thing up?  She was still shaken inside.  The first time she had a knife to her neck, she had been content to die.  Her life had not been a happy one so death had no fear grip on her.  Now though... Her time with Kakashi had been the sweetest and dearest time in her life.  She did not want it to end and the thought of dying was horrifying to her.  Now that she knew Kakashi loved her, she knew it would destroy him.  He had lost so many in his life... 

The medic returned to the room with a glass of water.  "This has a pain killer in it.  Make sure you drink all of it."

She gave a nod of her head and took the glass.  She drank it down fast and grimaced.  It was bitter.  The medic hesitated after taking the now empty glass from her.

"Mrs. Hatake, there was something we discovered when scanning your blood for any possible poison," the medic said.  "Would you prefer to hear the news now or with you husband?"

Sarah motioned for him to continue.  Kakashi had already had the shock of his life.  Whatever it was, she would tell him.

"Congratulations, you're pregnant."

Sarah felt her mouth drop open.  She wanted to say something but was given a stern look when she started.  She looked down at her stomach then back up to the medic.  She grabbed the pad next to her that they had left and scribbled quickly on it.  How long?

The medic gave a slight smile before coming close and placing his hand on her stomach.  He closed his eyes and she watched a faint green glow surround his hand.  He then removed his hand and smiled at her.  "Not quite six weeks.  You probably haven't even had any symptoms yet, correct?"

She shook her head no.  She then smiled and wanted to laugh.  At least something good came out of tonight.  She mouthed "Thank you" to him and he gave a nod before leaving.  She rubbed her stomach, grinning.  Wow.  She was pregnant.  She had been certain she was probably too old for that.  As she thought about it, she chuckled internally.  They had gotten pregnant that first night, in her world.  It seemed almost appropriate as Kakashi had said it was the night he fell in love with her.

Kakashi finally returned about the time she was giggling inside.  He looked horrible.  The clothes he was wearing, other than the pants, was not his own.  His eyes had a shadowed look to them as he turned to where she was laying.  He then moved to her quickly and she felt pain as she saw moisture in his eyes.  She put her hand on the side of his face as he looked at the bandage that was wrapped around her neck.

Can you hear me?

"Yes," he responded out loud.  "I'm so sorry, Sarah, I failed you."

He crumpled in front of her, his shoulders shaking as he cried.  She grabbed his face between her hands, forcing him to look at her as she shook her head no.

No, you didn't fail me.  I'm still here alive because of you. Look at me.

Kakashi felt broken and did not want to look at her.  He failed everyone.  He was worthless, even in his own home.

Look at me!

He raised his eyes finally to her.  She wiped the tears from his eyes above the mask, which was moist.  Her eyes burned looking into those gray eyes that were so filled with self-loathing.

Kakashi, you did not fail me.  Don't do this to yourself.  This bastard was using some kind of power that you have not encountered.  I love you and I know you will always protect me, just as you did tonight... you will always protect us...  

"Us... what?"

Sarah gave him a big smile.  "Baby," she whispered carefully.  She almost laughed as his eyes widened in shock as he looked between her and her stomach.  She tugged down his mask to kiss him softly.

You're going to be a daddy, Kakashi.

Kakashi jumped up, ran his fingers through his hair, looked at her, paced on the floor for a moment before suddenly bending over with laughter.  Sarah thought it was the cutest reaction she had ever seen.  She covered her mouth so she would not join him in the laughter.  He finally came back to her and kissed her.

"I'm going to be a daddy," he whispered.  "So that's why you threw up."

Sarah tilted her head to the side then remembered what he was talking about.  She would have laughed if she could.  The day he told her that he loved her.

We made the baby the first night we were together according to the medic's timeline.

Kakashi wrapped his arms around her and almost pulled her out of the bed.  She smiled against his neck, loving the way he smelled.  "To think... if I had not brought you with me, I'd have a child out there that I'd never know," he said against her hair.  "I'm going to be a father... I never thought I would..." He gently set her back from him and looked into her eyes for a long time.  His eyes had that intense look in them.  "I swear by my blood, I will protect you both with the last of my breath."

I have no doubt of that...  I think I can go home, they just didn't want to release me until you got back here.

Kakashi leaned his forehead against hers, "Are you sure you want to return home?"

Yes. I'm not scared, Kakashi.

He gave a nod of his head, formulating just how he would make sure there was not a repeat.  He could think of only one thing until Team 7 got together to formulate a better plan.

An hour later, Sarah was settled back into her own bed.  Her neck was still itchy but she knew that would be the case until the stitches were removed.  She was told she could talk but carefully.  If she felt any pain, she was to stop immediately.  Kakashi had taken some boards and hammered them into place over the broken window.  He would replace the window in the morning.  As he inspected his work he then gave a long sigh.

"Okay, only one more thing to do," Kakashi said before biting his thumb and withdrawing a scroll to smear the blood across.

Sarah's mouth dropped open as the room filled with Ninja Hounds.  There were so many of them!  Kakashi looked at them all with that serious expression of his with his hands on his hips. "Hey guys, here's the situation.  Someone came in and almost killed my wife.  He has an ability to hide himself, so I need eyes and noses on when mine fails."

They growled low, a few of them looked over to where she was sitting on the bed.  Pakkun jumped up on the foot of the bed, taking up the position he would maintain in the night.

"I want some of you on the perimeter, some in the house, and Pakkun will stay in here with us.  I don't know how long I'll need you here but I trust you to be my eyes and ears."

"You got it, boss," They responded before spreading out into their designated position.

Kakashi gave a long sigh of relief and gave her a smile.  He turned off the light before climbing into bed beside her.  Pakkun moved around until he was in a spot where he could watch but not disturb them.  Kakashi pulled Sarah close and held her tight, his hand slid down to her stomach as if he was protecting the new life inside.  She smiled in the darkness, feeling completely safe in his arms.

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