Car Crash and Confusion

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It was a wet Monday morning, the cold morning air could be felt through the windows. Ice had formed on the roads, exercising caution for drivers. I had spent the whole weekend with the Cullen family. Edward and I became close friends after getting to know each other better. He was a lot different from Cedric, other than the looks. Edward was broody and held a slight hatred toward himself, to his species, while Cedric was the embodiment of sunshine. Cedric was like a rainbow after a storm, he was like hot chocolate during a snowy day.

Though they were both drastically different from one another, I had found comfort in Edward. Both of them had the ability to make you laugh after some stupid joke they had made. They both could make me forget about my horrible past. Edward was slowly becoming one of my best friends.

Currently, I was getting ready for school, my outfit consisted of black ripped jeans, one of Jasper's black tee-shirts, my black leather jacket, and booties. 

After I finished getting ready, I met the family in the kitchen. Esme was cooking breakfast for me again.

"Good Morning," I greeted

"Good Morning," They all replied simultaneously 

I walked over to a stool and plopped down between Jasper and Edward, kissing Jasper on the lips in the process. I turned to Edward, "Hey Ed," I smiled softly

"Hey El," He smiled back

"Finally coming back to school today?" I asked

"Yeah. I controlled my thirst. I shouldn't feel the need to rip her throat out," He joked about the last part

"Do you want to ride with me and Jasper?" I looked to Jasper when I mentioned him then turned back to Ed

"Sure, if you don't mind," He responded

"We don't mind. We'd be happy for you to ride with us," I told him happily

Esme placed a plate filled with waffles, bacon, and eggs in front of me, along with a glass of orange juice. I said 'thank you' and began eating. After I finished eating, we gathered our bags to head to school.

"Have a great day, kids," Esme yelled to us as we walked toward the door

"You too, bye Esme," We all yelled back before leaving the house.

Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, and Logan all rode in Emmett's Jeep while Jasper, Edward, and I rode in my black Ferrari F430.

Once we all entered the car, we pulled out of the long driveway, beginning our journey to school. Emmett was in front of me, he was going pretty fast so I sped up to keep up with him. 

It took us half the time a normal person would to get to the school. I parked in Edward's parking spot beside Emmett's Jeep.

We got out and said our goodbyes, heading to our designated classes. I made my way to Precal. 

I sat down in my regular spot, staring out the window into the luscious green forest. I was thinking about Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Yesterday I received a letter from Ron.

Dear Elara,

I hope you are doing well. We miss you dearly and hope for a visit soon. We are doing well. Hermione and I are still together. Speaking of which, I need some advice, I want to propose soon so if you could help me with some ideas, that would be great. Harry and Ginny are also still together. It's honestly still weird for me, but if they're happy then so am I. 

The reason I am writing this letter is to ask a favor. Could you write to George? He's been in a really bad funk since Fred's death. He's hardly eating, he has the worst night terror that wakes up the whole house with his screams, and he can't even look in the mirror anymore. The whole family is worried. He hasn't been back to the Joke shop, I've been taking care of it for him. I think that since you were so close, it would help to hear from you. 

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