Wizarding World

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Jasper and I spent the rest of September and most of October traveling around the world. Our first destination was France, of course. We had an amazing dinner at the Eiffel Tower during sunset, well I did anyway. We toured the city of Paris and went on a wine tasting tour of the vineyards. 

The next place we went to was Greece since I have always wanted to go. We checked out the architecture in the beautiful Santorini. Before we decided to climb Mount Olympus; I was always a fan of Greek Mythology. Jasper quite enjoyed that, loving the history behind it. We also toured the Acropolis of Athens, this being Jasper's absolute favorite thing we did.

We continued to travel around to different places before ending up in Japan. The first thing we did was go to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, it being Jasper's choice. We also explored the Bamboo Forest in Kyoto. My favorite part was seeing the magnificent Mount Fuji. 

Once we were tired of traveling, we decided to head to England and explore the Wizarding World. Figuring I should get something out of my father's vast fortune and properties, we decided to stay in the Riddle House in Little Hangleton. 

It was unplottable so I headed to Gringotts to get a portkey. Jasper was trailing behind me, our luggage shrunk in his pockets as we walked through Diagon Alley. 

Before we reached the entrance to Gringotts, I heard my name being yelled, "Elara!"

I turned my head and my eyes landed on a family of three blondes. The Malfoys. They made their way over to me and Jasper, dodging the rest of the crowd. 

Once they finally reached me, I spoke, "Lord Malfoy, Lady Malfoy, Heir Malfoy. It is a pleasure to see you," I nodded to each one of them in greeting, my posture stiff. Noticing my tense shoulders, Jasper walked to my side and held my hand. 

"Oh, Elara, dear. No need for such formalities," Narcissa waved her hand, "We are family after all."

I nodded curtly, "Aunt Cissa," I drawled, "How have you been?"

"I've been fine, dear," Narcissa answered, "It's been a little rough since the war."

"I would assume so," I responded. I turned to the men, "And you? Uncle Lucius, Draco."

"We are well, Elara," Lucius smiled slightly, "And yourself?"

"I'm doing well," I answered

They looked at Jasper, trailing down to our attached hands, "And who is this?" Draco asked

"This is my boyfriend, Jasper Hale," I introduced, "Jasper, this is my Aunt Narcissa, Uncle Lucius, and Cousin Draco Malfoy."

"It is a pleasure to meet you," Jasper's southern accent contrasted from my British one

Lucius shook his hand, "The pleasure's mine." When his hand touched Jasper's, he gasped. His head snapped over to me, his eyebrow raised, "A vampire? Are you sure that he is good company to keep?"

I scoffed before sneering, "He's better company than a Death Eater."

Awkward silence draped over us before Narcissa cleared her throat, "Yes, well. We better be going. I'm sure Elara has many things to do, let's not keep her waiting." She moved to walk away, "It was great to see you again, Elara. And a pleasure to meet you, Jasper."

"You as well," I smiled tensely

Narcissa led the Malfoy men away and I turned back to Jasper. Seeing his questioning look, I spoke, "Don't ask."

He nodded and followed me to the bank. I nodded to the goblin guards before entering the building. Jasper looked around in wonder, observing the beings that I previously explained to him were goblins.

HIS RIDDLE | JASPER HALEWhere stories live. Discover now