Weasley Christmas Special

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Baby, it's cold outside

Charlie, Jasper, and I arrived at the Burrow on Christmas Eve. As we approached the house, we could smell the wonderful dinner Molly makes every year on Christmas Eve. It smelled heavenly. I already prepared a container full of animal blood for Jasper since he can't eat human food. 

When we finally entered the house, we were greeted by the sight of the whole family. Molly was in the kitchen with Ginny and Hermione. Percy and Arthur were sitting at the table, talking about the Ministry. Bill was standing with a pregnant Fleur. Ron, George, and Harry were sitting on the couch, Teddy bouncing on Harry's leg.

Charlie walked over to Bill and Fleur, greeting them with a hug. I made my way over to Harry, Ron, and George. Jasper followed behind me.

When reached them, Teddy squealed, "LarLar!"

I lifted him off of Harry's lap and placed him on my hip, tickling his stomach with my unoccupied hand, "Hello my little munchkin."

He giggled, bringing a smile to my face, "Stop! Stop! That tickles!"

I laughed and stopped tickling him before sitting across from the boys, Jasper sitting beside me. Teddy crawled onto my lap and got comfortable, leaning back into my embrace. 

"Hey, Ellie," Ron greeted, "How was the trip to Romania?"

"It was great! I met all of the dragons," I gushed, "It was so much fun!"

Harry laughed, "You're starting to sound like Charlie."

"And is that such a bad thing?" Charlie piped up, walking over to us

"Not necessarily," Harry smiled

"It's just," Ron stated, "We wouldn't want to lose our favorite Auror to the Dragon Reserve."

"As much as I love the dragons. I much prefer being an Auror," I declared, "Plus, we wouldn't want you to miss me too much."

"Ha, ha. Very funny," Ron huffed

"Dinner's ready!" Molly yelled from the kitchen

We all got up and headed toward the table; it was already set with plates and utensils. The food looked delicious. 

I pulled the blood-filled container out of my pocket and enlarged it before handing it to Jasper. Jasper pulled out my chair for me before sitting on his own beside me.

Arthur said a prayer once we were all settled down and Molly allowed us to begin eating. I grabbed the turkey while everyone else grabbed what they could reach and passed it around. We continued the movement until all of our plates were full and we began eating. 

Dinner lasted for a long time, filled with happiness and laughter. Bill told us some jokes while Ron recounted tales from our job. Hermione told us about her newest project at the ministry as Ginny informed us how her Quidditch training was going. 

Once dinner was over, we cleared the table before heading to the living room. We all sat around the room, a fire burning in the fireplace. 

Since Teddy was only staying with us for Christmas Eve and then headed to his grandmother, Andromeda's, for Christmas Day, we let him open our gifts to him. He received several toys from everyone and received a stuffed wolf that would play a song that was put into it.

Except, it wasn't just any song. A few weeks ago, when I was trying to find something to buy Teddy, I came upon a shop that could put the sound of a memory inside of the stuffed animals. So, I thought long and hard on a memory that could go inside and I remembered one that happened during the summer before my sixth year

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