La Push

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It was now the beginning of March. Edward had avoided Bella since the accident, that is until the Biology field trip. He couldn't hold back anymore, he began testing the water. 

He told her that they shouldn't be friends and that she should stay away from him. Honestly, he's getting on my nerves. Going up to her when she hasn't even approached him, proceeding to tell her to stay away from him. How is that logical?

Anyway, one day Bella had invited him to the beach. When he found out it was First Beach on the reservation, he made up some stupid excuse why he couldn't go. 

After that, during biology, Bella invited me to come with her and her friends. I agreed, wanting to see the beach. I told her I would meet her there on Saturday. 

So that's why I am currently driving to La Push on a Saturday morning. It was extremely cold out today so I am wondering how they think they're going to be able to surf. It was a 20-minute drive from Forks to First Beach. 

After those 20 minutes were up, I drove into the parking lot, parking beside Tyler's van. When I got out and approached Bella, I noticed Mike, Tyler, Jessica, and the others were suiting up to surf. Bella and Angela were leaning up against the van, blanket covering them.

"Bella!" I yelled

"Elara, hey!" Bella greeted

I was in front of her now. I looked to her group of friends, "Hey guys!"

"Hey Elara, long time no see," Jessica said, jealously

"It's good to see you, Jessica," I stated, she agreed

The others minus Bella, Angela, and I began messing around. I walked closer to them to join the conversation. 

"I keep thinking Eric's going to ask me out to prom, then he just... doesn't," Angela informs, sadly

"You could ask him," Bella suggests

"Yeah, take control. You're a strong independent woman," I agreed

"I am?" Angela asked

"Yes," we said simultaneously 

Jessica walks over to Angela, asking for her to zip her up while three guys from the reservation approach us.

"Bella!" The one leading them shouted

"Guys, this is Jacob," she introduced, "Are you stalking me?" she asked him.

"You're on my rez, remember? You surfing?" He asked

"Definitely not," Bella laughed

Jessica began teasing Bella, "You should keep her company. Her date bailed."

Eric looked up, "what date?"

"She invited Edward," Jessica informed, taunting Bella

"to be polite," Bella said, embarrassed. 

"I think it's nice she invited him. No one ever does," Angela interjected

"Because Cullen's a freak," Mike laughed. I sent him a glare.

"You got that right," One of the guys Jacob came with said

"You know him?" Bella questioned

"The Cullens don't come here," He said sharply

I understood what he meant. Carlisle explained the treaty to me about a week or so ago. 

Jacob shot his friend a look and shook his head. Bella noticed this interaction and pulled Jacob aside to ask if he wanted to go to the tide pools. When he agreed, she looked at me.

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