|✮| The Epic Tale Of Nick Nightingale |✮|

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𝔹𝕒𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕟 𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕒 𝕓𝕪: 321CallMeSenpai

Come, gather all around.
Let me tell you a tale that I just found.

A tale about bravery and human regret,
one about a man I have never met.

Let me tell you the epic tale
of a man named Nick Nightingale.

Nick was one of those very few
who didn't blame women
when he had the flue.

His common sense
was what made him unique.
He was a man
playing in a whole different league.

But he could not foresee
the evil mastermind's trickery.

On the day the moon burned red,
Evil took over our home planet.

They dropped their pods
all over Earth,
filled every ocean
and speck of dirt.

They inserted it all
with something called Death
and thus they destroyed
our home planet.

Knowing we were mortal;
it ruined us all.
We behaved worse than any animal.

We fought each other,
killed who we didn't like.
We lived for the moment
when we could strike.

It was the downfall of humankind,
as designed by that mastermind.

In a vain attempt
Nick spent day and night;
he did his best
trying to set things right.

But he never found a way around
that something called Death.
So one by one his loved ones
drew their final breath.

Other men would have waged a war,
but Nick simply knocked on Evil's door.

The door went open; there was his host.
Nick asked him what they needed most.

Evil said they could use some slaves.
"It's that or you digging your loved ones' graves."

Nick considered what was worse:
humans enslaved or that Death's curse.

It took some time, but he finally said:
"Nothing is worse
than an immortal's death.

But you don't need all of us as slave.
We'll give you those who don't behave."

Not sooner said than done,
the slaves and Death, they were gone.

Humans, now scared of being enslaved,
one by one they all behaved.

The peace was restored,
but it's not yet the end of this tale,
'cause something horrible happened
to Nick Nightingale.

Years had passed
and he had found someone new.
In that someone special
two children grew.

A girl and a boy,
both loved to play coy,
but not everyone enjoyed
being their toy.

Misschief ran through their blood.
Soon their environment threw mud.

It made the children behave their worst
and soon Evil's muppets immersed.

The children, now enslaved,
begged the spectators to be saved.

But they all turned a blind eye.
They left the children behind
who screamed: "Why?

Why are you doing this?
We're just kids!
We still have to learn,
we hit and miss.

It's not fair to leave us behind like this.
We begg on our knees
for your forgiveness!"

Their begging soon was silenced.
Their captors used outrageous violence.

When Nick heard what had gone on,
his love for humans
was completely gone.

He knocked again on Evil's door,
and said: "That deal we made?
No more!

Let those bastards die and rot!
For those lives I care not.

But two slaves you have are me dear.
Bring me those two right now here.

Do with humankind as you please,
but those two you must release!"

Evil smirked: "Are you sure?
Because for Death there is no cure.

By breaking our deal,
it's not only your future you seal.

You're signing your death and theirs,
the death of all your heirs.

Do you want to proceed?
Or do you retreat in defeat?"

"I may shorten their span,
but what would I be of a man,
if I let my children live
eternally a slave,
just because they, as kids,
didn't behave?"

"You had no problem enslaving others
as you pleased.
So why should I now
listen to your pleads?"

"I was wrong; I now know.
But don't let me harvest what I sow.

Let's make a new deal,
one on which we both agree.
I know eye to eye
is what we'll see.

Let's draw up this contract
between you and me,
so we can both cry victory!"

They discussed night and day,
they bargained to get it their way.

When they finally signed their deal,
Death again was very real.

But they created the everlasting Soul,
and gave Death a whole new role.

Death now had to assign
whose eternal freedom was on the line:

"If the Soul's burdened
by too many bad deeds,
it will be Evil
who that human meets.

But if the Soul is lighter
than the established weight,
it will be eternal freedom
that them await."

They gave Death a sliding scale.
As weight served the feather
of a nightingale.

Here is where this tale ends.
Please think about what was said,
my friends.

I don't know if this story
holds any truths,
I let it be judged
by our scientific sleuths.

But be nice to each other just in case;
it might get you in Death's good grace.

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