|✮| Red, Blue or Gray: who will make Winter Rose's day? |✮|

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𝔹𝕒𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕟 𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕒 𝕓𝕪: idkMan608

This is a tale about
Brain versus Heart,
about how they
behave apart
and about how
they work their part
if you use your brain,
but follow your heart.

Let me begin
with something not so smart;
this happened
when Winter Rose
used only their heart:

"Shall I go for slim or sturdy?
What do you say, little birdie?"

"Go for slim, it's aesthetic,
if you go for sturdy, you'd look pathetic.
Red is so passé,
just like all those shades of gray.
You want to fit in, don't you?
Let's go for the one dressed in blue."

And home they went
with the slim Blue,
but once home
what would they do?

The moment Winter had a doubt,
Blue got kicked out.

"It's no use. I'll no longer listen to you, Heart.
I should have listened to Brain from the start."

And Winter Rose went to where they'd been before.

"Tell me, Brain. Which one do I fall for?"

"You want them to last,
so forget your past.
It's sturdy you need,
and choose safe,
so gray, indeed."

And home they went with sturdy Gray,
only to get bored the very same day.

Gray got kicked out, just like Blue.
What should Winter Rose now do?

They needed one, preferably quick,
but also one who would stick.

So Winter grabbed Heart and Brain:

"Let's do this once again.
Brain knows what I need
and Heart what I want.
Work together from this instant!"

Brain said: "It's durability we seek,
to last more than one week."

"But we want fun as well,
can't you tell?"

"Durability and fun, it is.
Let's go for sturdy with a twist.
No gray, so what about blue or red?"

"I secretely like Red," Heart said.

"The sturdy Red we choose,"
Heart and Brain mused.

Winter Rose went home with sturdy Red,
it was a choice they'd never regret.

Red lasted years
and the years still counting,
Winter Rose uses red pencils
in every drawing.

Here ends our story,
and remember:
to not feel sorry
let Heart and Brain
work together
every day,
you'll feel
so much better
in every way.

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