|✮| Daisy Filled Vase |✮|

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𝔹𝕒𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕟 𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕒 𝕓𝕪: ivelleee

Balancing on the thin line
between dream and reality
my love for you awakened

The daisies you plucked
I carefully tucked
in a vase beside my bed

But as I gazed at that vase, it hit me,
Even though the exact word slipped me

I now know that our Love rots in silence
on the bottom of a daisy filled vase
drenched in honey dewed violence

|✮|Note |✮|

It's difficult to get out of a toxic relationship and I know you might blame it onto yourself saying things like if only I'd love them just a little bit harder, then maybe I can help them change.

But the truth is: people only change when they want to.

No amount of love or self-sacrifice can force them to start behaving differently, only they themselves can.

It takes time and it takes effort, their effort, not yours.

And I know that after they hurt you again, they'll come back pleading for your forgiveness, saying it was the last time.

But trust me: it will never be the last time, not unless you either get out of there or end up dying trying to save them.

I know it's difficult to accept it, I know that you're probably furious when reading this, that you're revolting saying they're different.

I understand your feelings, and even though they're valid, they can be wrong.

Ask yourself this: what have they actively been doing to prevent themselves from hurting you ever since they promised you it won't happen again? Are they going to therapy? Are they following an anger management class? Are they actively paying attention to their behaviour and slowly changing it?

No? Then please try to reconnect with your safety net, the one they so meticulously got rid off for you, and try to escape.

Are they actually going to therapy and is it giving a positive result? Good for them.

Either way, it's up to you to go get some therapy too 'cause my guess is that you're probably suffering from PTSD. So give yourself a break, do some necessary self-care and take a deep breath.

Allow yourself to heal while keeping them at a safe distance.

It's okay, you did your best, and I'm so proud of you for already having survived this long.

Now it's time for you to start living again

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