|✮| 12:11h.: Clyde Dale's Heaven |✮|

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𝔹𝕒𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕟 𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕒 𝕓𝕪:

If you've enjoyed the Epic Tale
of Nick Nightingale,
buckle up for this one
about Clyde Dale.

This tale will feature monsters
our hero has to fight.
But no outer evil this time;
the monsters are buried deep inside.

Blame it on Society
or the family he grew up in,
if our hero lets these monsters
eventually win. 

Clyde was born,
like so many men I know,
with instead of a heart,
nothing but an empty hole.

His family filled it with money,
and it indeed got filled;
not with Love or sweet honey,
but with a demon guild.

His tenants were called Sorrow, Pain and Ever-lasting Regret;
and did Clyde regret the day
the four of them first met.

'Cause soon they invited
all of their friends:
Sadness, Anger
and Stuck at Dead Ends. 

The hole was getting crowded,
but there was still a void to fill.
That's where, for Clyde,
it all went downhill.

Still feeling empty, deep down inside,
he decided to invite Envy and Pride.

Envy and Pride fell in love at first sight.
Not much later followed a child.

The child's name was Hate.
For our hero it was now too late.

Hate grew stronger every single day.
He used his power to lead Clyde further astray.

Clyde became colder
and as he grew older,
no blanket could keep him warm.

Ruled by Anger and Hate,
who he called Fate,
he was swept away by his inner storm,
with no shelter to hide
thanks to Envy and Pride.

The whole world was against him,
or at least so he thought.

He no longer remembered for what reason he fought.

So he gave up the fight,
threw his towel in the ring
and that's when he heard
Death's sweet melody sing.

He followed the music
and ascended the stair.
Soon he felt cold wind
caressing his hair.

The clock stroke 12:11h.
and down he fell,
wondering if he'd go to Heaven
since he was already in Hell.

But no Grim reaper scraped him
of the floor;
instead he suddenly stood
in front of a door.

Not a golden one, nor one with a glow,
it was a familiar door, completely in bordeaux.

The door went open
and he entered the room.
The first one to meet him
was his old friend Gloom.

He stood in his parents' living room!

His family was crying
and crying they did.
They no longer were denying
the pain which them hit:

The Dale family
had lost their kid. 

If they would be able to go back in time,
they would fill the hole with love
instead of with dimes.

Hearing their sobs,
feeling their pain,
the demon guild
found new hearts to reign.

And with each passing day,
the light of the family
faded away.

Until there was nothing left to steal.
Their hearts were filled with cuts yearning to heal.

But healing they could not
and their hearts started to rot.

Clyde witnessed his family's decay.
One by one they withered away.

He tried to stop it,
but there was no use
with all those demons
running on the loose.

He fell on his knees
and begged pretty please:

"Tell me what's up.

We can fight these demons.
So please don't give up.

The world is a scary
and cold place to live,
but if you look closely,
you'll see all the happiness it can give.

Stay alive, please do this for me.
You can fight these monsters.
Just wait and you'll see!"

But it was all in vain;
his family was too consumed
by pain.

Helpless he stood by,
as he started to cry.

He let go of Anger and Hate,
no longer believed in Fate. 

Ever-Lasting Regret
became a demon he once met.

And Sorrow and Pain
had nothing more to gain.

Stuck At Dead Ends
and Envy and Pride,
were all demons
with no place to hide.

He came for them all;
one by one.

He slowly brought
the demon guild to fall.

After all the cries, he opened his eyes.

He was back on the roof,
with nothing left to proof.

He looked down below,
in his heart a rainbow.

The clock stroke 12:11h.
as he realized Earth is Heaven.

This is the end of this tale.
What do you think happened
with Clyde Dale?

Did he get to Heaven,
was he stuck in Hell?
Or was he under
some kind of spell?

Comment below
your point of view,
'cause I really don't have a clue.

But for now, I'll have to wish you Goodbye.
Don't forget to tag 321CallMeSenpai.

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