|✮| Pandora's Box: Between the Dark Rocks |✮|

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𝔹𝕒𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕟 𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕒 𝕓𝕪: pinkblueyellow54

Let me tell you the tale
about why the Moon is no longer pale,
about how the Night
got a million twinkling stars,
and about how those might
heal your scars.

Pandora is our hero's name.
Yes, she's the one with the doubtful fame.

But what most people forgot,
the Evil she's known for
came from a pot.

This story will be
about what was sealed in her box,
the one she opened
between the dark rocks.

But that box wasn't hers to start,
yet she was the last from it to part.

The box was from Zeus,
when he was still King of the Land
and Pandora merely was his servant.

Pandora was, in fact, a chamber maid
whose curiosity just wouldn't fade.

The others knew this way too well
and soon brought her under their spell.

"Zeus has a room filled with gold,"
so was sweet Pandora told.

"A room with diamonds
and earthly bliss,
one with a ceiling so high
you couldn't miss.

There he keeps his trophies,
from when he cried victory,
but where the room is,
is one big mystery."

Determined to behold
the room filled with gold,
Pandora swept the ground,
but no such room was found.

Yet she noticed something odd:
one of the rooms wasn't so broad.

The castle walls, however, were straight on every side...

Did that room have a secret to hide?

Covered by the darkest night,
Pandora went to the room by candle light.

She patted every wall,
when she heard something in the hall...

Footsteps closed her in on every side,
but there was nowhere to hide.

She blew out the candle and ran for the door.
She hit something and fell to the floor.

She heard a loud sound
and quickly turned around.

Where used to be a wall,
had appeared another hall!

Behind it was a room filled with gold,
with a ceiling so high as she had been told.

The footsteps were now way too close.
Pandora ran to the gold on her toes.

She hid behind a mountain of earthly bliss,
as Zeus walked in to admire what was his.

She held her breath as she heard him scream:
"Who did this will be turned into ice cream!"

But before Zeus could search the room,
a butler saved Pandora from her doom.

"Sorry to interupt, Sire,
the castle is under fire.

Bring yourself in safety. Quick!
We don't want you to die in the hands of that lunatic."

When the guards escorted Zeus out of that place,
the servants held a rat race.

"She's found the gold!"
"Grab what ya can hold!"

"Take all the jewelry and cash!"
"We're no longer eat'n' trash!"

They filled their pockets with all the richness of the world:
diamonds, rubies and outerwordly pearls.

Pandora stared at all that shone bright,
but then she heard screams in the dark night.

The enemy had entered castle ground,
she had no more time to fool around.

She grabbed a box oh so small.
She had to carry it after all.

A madman entered the room with a knife.
Pandora ran for her life.

The gold weighted the other servants down.
Scarlet colored their evening gown.

Pandora, with her feather light box,
could escape to the dark rocks.

But guided by the pale moon,
she didn't know she was followed by her doom.

As she was surrounded by stone,
she grieved for what was gone.

To see what she still had left,
she looked at the loot of her theft.

As she opened the box
between the dark rocks,
the maniac with the knife
wanted to take her life.

He leaped forward on the poor girl,
but he was thrown off her with a swirl.

Between him and his victim stood a group of glowing lights.
Neither of them were scared of fights.

The lights were guards, trump cards,
known as the Astra
- you call them "stars"-
changing entire wars.

The Astra had been sealed in that box
Pandora had opened between the dark rocks.
They were forced to obey
the owner of the day.

That owner was now this sweet girl,
her enemy was fought with a hurl.

The maniac with the knife
took a dive.

He surrendered fast.
Pandora was safe at last.

The Astra explained her the deal.
She exclaimed : "This can't be real!

You being locked in that box is a curse.
I can't think of anything worse!

You should be able to roam the Earth like before."

"But we haven't bodies anymore!
Zeus took them away.
Only our Souls needed to stay.

The world has changed so much,
and it will keep changing without us.

If an eternity we should dwell,
then not on this Earth; it would hurt like Hell."

"Why not create a whole new world up in the sky?

One in which you decide yourself what would change and why.

A place with no wars,
one that's entirely yours,
where you don't have to pay the price.

Wouldn't that be nice?"

"It would, but it's merely a dream."

"Not if we come up with a scheme.

You said you all have to obey me,
then obey as a say:
Create your own destiny!

Find your place.
Live above the human race.

Be happy and live in peace.
I command this curse to cease!"

The curse was broken
and the Astra were now free.

They thanked her for her words spoken
before they flew to their destiny.

High in the sky they soon created a whole new galaxy,
a place where Night Souls gather,
a place to heal and get better.

With every Soul, the Night sky
twinkled with a new light,
illuminating the Moon
who had never shone so bright.

Guided by the stars
Pandora gained courage
to follow her own path,
not knowing
she had just
gained Zeus' wrath.

But that's a different story, one you might know well.

As for now, I have to bid you farewell.

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