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Italy was more beautiful than Amelia could comprehend. There was something about Europe that was so authentic to Amelia. Italy it's self was a beautiful country, with its cobblestones floors, it's traditional high built buildings, along with the beautiful sun. Amelia couldn't help the smile that plastered on her face.

Although Amelia was extremely wary about walking around Italy with 3 giant bodyguards, she was pleasantly surprised with how comfortable she felt with the three. Santiago included.

Vinny had politely asked Amelia if they could be 'casual' whilst in Italy.

"What do you mean by casual?" Santiago asked. He was trying hard to enjoy his new surroundings, but the sound of Vinny and Amelia yapping away the whole day was slightly distracting.

"I mean, I know we're obviously here to make sure Ammy is safe."

"Ammy?" Santiago interjected.

"Yes Ammy. Any way, as I was saying. I know we're here to keep her safe, but I think we should try to blend in, try not to bring so much attention to us all you know?"

Santiago felt like strangling Vinny at this moment in time. They had one job, and that was to look out for Amelia. He was sure Ripper would never have hired him for the job if he knew he wanted to 'blend in'.

"Why don't we just do our jobs and stay alert?" Santiago said, irritation in his tone.

"Don't listen to him Vin, I would love if we could try to blend in. For all anyone knows, we're just a bunch of friends enjoying a holiday." Amelia said. She looked to Pauly for any objections but when he nodded his head she smiled in victory.

"Perfect, in that case, let's go get some food my friends." Amelia said. She looped her elbow through Vinny's, the other through Lucy's as they walked further down the cobbled roads.

"You seem a little irritated Fernandez," Pauly remarked, raising his eyebrow at his friend. It was obvious why Santiago seemed on edge, but Pauly didn't want to force him into a awkward conversation.

"Let's just catch up with them." Santiago said. The two of them following the rest of their party.

Ahead Amelia, Vinny and Lucy were stood at the entrance of a classic looking Italian restaurant. As soon as Santiago and Pauly caught up, the hosts situated them at a booth, big enough to fit 5.

Before Vinny could place himself next to Amelia, Santiagos arm reached out to grab his friends bicep. He gave him a silent look, glad that Vinny moved out his way before making a scene.

Amelia tried not to gleam at the fact Santiago had sat next to her. Both of their bodies pushed up close to each other in the booth. Santiago tried hard to not concentrate her dress that had ridden up slightly as she sat, her bare thigh pressed tightly against his clothed leg.

Both Amelia and Lucy ordered still waters, with the men all ordering cokes. As soon as Amelia had seen the 'Italy's best pizza' sign outside the restaurant, she knew what she was ordering for lunch.

Both Lucy and Amelia ordered pizza's, Lucy a margarita, Amelia a salami pizza.

"You like Italian sausage?" Vinny asked Amelia once the waitress left with their orders. Lucy had chocked on some of her water laughing at Vinny, Pauly chuckled underneath his breath. Santiago narrowed his eyes at Vinny, already wanting to send his ass packing home.

"I'm more of a chorizo girl myself Vin, I prefer  Spanish sausage." Amelia replied. This time Pauly choked on the coke he had raised to his lips.

"Touché." Said Vinny, smiling over at Amelia.

The five of them spoke briefly as they waited for their food. Amelia was happy that Lucy looked comfortable around the three men. She didn't want her to feel uncomfortable with three strangers following them everywhere.

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