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Driving well above the speed limit, Santiago made it to Amelia's house in record time. In the quick journey over there he thought over the possibility of Amelia forgiving him. He cringed to himself as he remembered just how badly he had spoken to her.

The thought popped into his head to maybe buy some flowers or chocolates before seeing Amelia, but the need to see her quickly outweighed the need of a desperation present. Santiago was willing to get down on his hands and knees and beg for forgiveness if he needed to.

He had barely parked the car properly outside the Blackwell house before he flung himself out of it, running to the front door. He knocked briskly, not wanting to use his key on his off day.

Santiago was expecting to be greeted at the door by his Amelia, but instead he was met with a stoned faced Vinny.

"I'm here to see Amelia." Santiago said as he pushed his way into the house. It was eerily quiet, no sign of Amelia coming down to greet him, just at the sound of his own voice.

"You can't, listen Santiago-"

"Listen Vin, I know Amelia has probably told you what happened between us, but I'm just here to apologise okay."

If Santiago had taken the time to stop searching for any sign of Amelia, and look at Vinny, he would've noticed the distraught look on his friends face.

"She isn't here, loo-"

Once again Santiago cut Vinny off with his lack of patience, "Where is she then? I'll wait here if I have to. Is the boss here?" Santiago asked. He was suddenly aware of his skittish behaviour and attempted to calm his nerves before he outed himself in the worst way.

Vinny grabbed Santiago's shoulders, holding him still so he could speak directly to him and tell him the news. Santiago could tell by the look on Vinny's face that something was wrong. He raised his eyebrow at Vinny, waiting for him to speak.

"Santiago, Amelia isn't here right now. She's been borderline depressed these past few weeks and-"

Santiago shrugged Vinny's hands from his shoulders, not ready for the impending lecture Vinny was sure to give him.

"I fucked up Vin okay. I know I fucked up real bad, but I'm here to speak to Amelia and let her know how sorry I am. I was a bastard to her and I need to let her know that if she wants this baby, I'll be there for her - for them both, every step of the way."

Vinny was tired of Santiago speaking over him. The only way to get news like this out there was to rip of the band aid. Both men spoke over the other with vital pieces of information.

"Amelia's missing."

"WHAT?" They both shouted  simultaneously.

"Amelia's pregnant?" Vinny spat, his face quickly changed into one of anger as he grabbed Santiago's collar.

"Get your fucking hands off of me." Santiago shouted, he pushed Vinny away from him with all his strength. "What the fuck did you just say to me? Where is Amelia?" Santiago's was almost frothing at the mouth as he stalked towards Vinny, the itch to throw a fist in his face extremely high.

"She's been missing all day. We haven't seen her since this morning, Pauly was here and she managed to sneak out somehow, we think." Vinny fisted his hands through his hair before dragging his palms down his face.

"It's 9 fucking pm Vinny, why didn't anyone call me? I don't believe this." Santiago shook his head before turning to run up the stairs, straight to Amelia's room. He forced himself through her bedroom door, his heart dropping when he found no trace of her. He ran straight to her bathroom, with no luck.

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