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"Are you sure you have everything you need?"

"Yes mom"






"Of course"


"Yes mom. I promise I have everything I need so stop worrying about me. I'll be fine." Amelia said to her mother.

She could tell from the sad look in her eyes that her mother didn't want her to go away. It seemed as though Amelia and Lucy were the only people who were actually excited for this trip.

"Okay I'm sorry baby, it's just Italy is so far away and your father and I wont be near to you." Annabella said. Amelia gave her mother a firm hug as saw tears forming in her eyes.

"Don't worry mom, Santiago will be there I'm sure I'll be fine." Amelia hugged her mom once more before looking over at her transport for the next 12 hours.

The Blackwell private jet.

Amelia was currently waiting at the private runway with her family, waiting for Lucy and Santiago to arrive.

Nikolai and Nixon were currently checking out the inside of the jet. They didn't even try to hide their jealousy as the family drove up to the runway a few moments ago.

Amelia's father was currently stood in a huddle with two other men. Amelias mother had told her they were the extra security who were escorting her to Italy. From what Amelia had seen they looked just as big as Santiago.

She watched as her father seemed to be in a deep conversation with the men, his eyebrows set to a frown with his eyes heated as he conversated.

"Where is Santiago anyway?" Amelia asked.

"He should be here soon, we're a little early. Your father has already told Santiago all the important information anyway." Annabella explained.

"We're going to be fine in Italy, no one even knows me there. I don't think there's even any need for the extra security" Amelia stated. She knew it was no use though, if Amelia even tried to change her dads plans she was sure he'd keep her on American soil.

"Don't start. Listen, while you're gone we really want to find out who left those disgusting things in your room. Hopefully when you come back, you'll be able to settle back into normal life." Amelia's mother smiled at her as she spoke, grabbing her daughter for another goodbye hug.

Moments later a green car pulled up, which Lucy jumped out of. She made her way over to Amelia and Annabella to say hello. Even though the trip to Italy was strictly business, Lucy couldn't help but feel overexcited. Especially when she saw the jet.

"Lucy you make sure Amelia doesn't get into any trouble for me will you?" Annabella said, trying hard not to think too much about the fact her little girl was about to leave for a whole week.

"Don't worry Annabella, we'll be fine. The week will consist of a lot of work, and maybe a little bit of tanning time." Lucy said.

Annabella's worries were calmed a little after speaking with Lucy. She was older than Amelia so hopefully that meant it would be a mature girls trip.

Distracting the three ladies from their conversation Lucy's boyfriend bustled over to them as he carried Lucy's bags.

"Is that all of them babe?" Sam asked.

"Yeah that's perfect, thank you babe." Lucy placed a quick peck to Sams lips before rummaging through her hand luggage.

"So Amelia are you all excited for Italy?" he asked trying to make conversation.

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