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Amelia lay down in the same hospital, different room as she waited for the doctor to come in.

Santiago was in a seat next to Amelia, trying to keep a level head, being strong for Amelia although his knee's were shaking from the nerves. Amelia was lay quietly on the hospital bed, trying to gather her thoughts but the constant sound of Santiago's fingers tapping on the bedframe were distracting.

Amelia's hand reached out and lay on top of his to halt the tapping. The two smiled at each other, comforting the other through their eyes. Seconds later a smiling Doctor walked into the room.

Doctor Stephens introduced herself as she washed her hands, applying gloves and moving machinery.

"I can tell you're both nervous today but there shouldn't be anything to worry about. We initially checked on the baby once you were brought in, your mother brought your condition to our attention privately. Everything was fine then but I'll tell you what I told your mother, due to the extent of your injuries your baby could have weakened as you gained your strength."

Amelia squeezed Santiago's hands, both of them stayed quiet as the doctor helped prepare Amelia. Santiago had to contain his rage as he saw the bruises which covered Amelia's belly. If anything had happened to their baby he would be sure to be the one to end Sam's life.

Both Amelia and Santiago were quiet as gel was applied to Amelia's stomach. As soon as the scanner was placed on Amelia's stomach both of them held their breath. It felt like an agonising few moments before something was finally heard.

Amelia and Santiago both shared an emotional filled look as the sound of something resembling a heart beat filled the room. Amelia's bottom lip trembled as she listened to the sound.

Santiago's eyebrows furrowed as the sound didn't sound normal to him, the heartbeat was beating too quickly. Amelia shared the same worried look as they listened carefully.

"W-what's going on?" Amelia finally asked.

Doctor Stephens pulled her attention away from the screen and towards the couple with a smile. "Nothing's wrong darling, in fact it's just a little surprise. Do either of you have twins in the family?" The Doctor asked.

Simultaneously both Amelia and Santiago's jaws dropped open.

"T-twins?" Santiago asked.

"Yes twins, congratulations mom and dad. By the sound of the heartbeats they're healthy twins too, that's why the heartbeat sounds so fast, it's both of them together." The doctor explained.

"Ay Dios Mio." Amelia spoke. "I never even thought of the possibility of twins, I mean it makes sense both of us have a set of twins as siblings." Amelia spoke through the tears, finally pulling her eyes away from the screen to look at Santiago.

Amelia had never seen a man of Santiago's calibre cry before, but there was a first time for everything. She smiled to herself as Santiago sat with tears streaming from his eyes. He used their conjoined hands to wipe them from his face.

"Fucking twins Amelia, can you believe that?" Santiago spoke dumfounded.

"What are we going to do?" Amelia asked suddenly panicked. Doctor Stephens left the room for a moment, giving the couple some space. She had explained that Amelia was 6 weeks along and advised to not tell too many people until the first trimester is over.

"What do you mean Hermosa?" Santiago was still glossy eyed, a hand resting on Amelia's stomach with the other trailing through her hair.

"I mean, we're not even a couple and we're having twins." Amelia's voice raised. "This is a big deal Santiago, I wasn't prepared for this." Amelia started to bite her lip as her mind began to overthink on her current situation.

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