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As soon as the pair entered the hotel elevator Santiago had Amelia firmly pressed up against the wall. His hand had already found it's way to the slit in her dress, getting a hold of her to waist to lift her off the ground.

Amelia' squealed slightly as she wrapped her legs around his waist, using her leg muscles to pull him even closer to her. The bulge is his pants didn't go unnoticed, Amelia couldn't help but grind herself roughly against him. A husky groan left Santiagos mouth as he peppered kisses at the base of Amelias throat.

Too soon they felt the elevator coming to a halt. Santiago placed her back to the floor, hardly taking his eyes off of her as a couple of strangers entered the elevator.

Amelia was looking up at Santiago with a mischievous glint in her eyes. A playful wink was sent her way when Santiago noticed the rise and fall of her chest.

Once the elevator had reached the top floor everyone exited the elevator. Amelia was hoping that they wouldn't run into any of their friends whilst trying to make a beeline or her suite. She knew any distraction could pull Santiago back to reality and derail their plans.

Amelia sent a silent prayer to the heavens when she managed to swiftly open the door to her suite, hardly having time to ensure the lock was on before Santiago pushed her up against the door.

He placed his arms at either side of her head, caging her in, not that she wanted to be anywhere else. Amelia stood catching her breath, waiting for Santiago to make his next move. They were so close to each other right now, practically sharing the others breath as they stared at each other.

"I'm going to take my time tonight Princesa. After tonight we can never do this again." Santiago began kissing along Amelias jaw as he spoke. "I'm only going to touch you if you agree to my terms Amelia. After this no more teasing, no more inappropriate looks or touching. We can do this once, but then never again. Okay?" Amelia tried her hardest to process Santiagos 'terms' but his tongue was placing wet kisses across her collar bone and she was sure she was about to turn into mush.

Impatience got the best of Santiago as he waited for Amelia to comply. One of his hands moved, breaking the cage around Amelia he had created, moving downwards to his new favourite spot, just underneath the slit in her dress. He was excited to find Amelia had attended their little date commando.

"Come on Princesa, just say you agree so we can finally get what we've both been waiting for."

Santiagos hands took a firm squeeze of her ass, she moaned quietly as he kneaded her ass cheeks in his hands. He pulled her closer with his grip, their mouths a hairs length away.

Amelia moved her head forwards trying to get another taste of his mouth, but he pulled his head away preventing her from getting what she wanted.

"Don't be a brat Amelia, do you agree with my terms?" Santiago asked again, rubbing his palms across the globes of her ass.

"Yes, yes I agree Santi. Now fuck me please." She begged, her voice laced with desperation. The words coming out of her mouth were enough to put a smile on Santiagos face. Within a second he had Amelia's legs wrapped around him. He moved them from the front door, walking over to the bed, kicking his shoes off in the process.

Amelia was dropped to the bed, bouncing softly. Santiago took that moment to look down at the girl below him. There was a part of his brain screaming at him to stop what he was doing, to stop taking advantage of the young girl, take a shower and lock himself in his room. But, Santiago wasn't listening to that part of his brain today.

As he looked down at a flushed Amelia, he knew he had to have her right there and then. As he made a move to mount her on the bed, Amelia stuck her heeled clad feet in front of her. She wiggled her heeled foot slightly, hinting that she wanted them off.

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