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Amelia lay awake on her bed thinking about her last encounter with Santiago. It didn't go quite as she planned. In her mind he would've been begging to kiss her within 10 minutes of meeting her. Instead he seemed uninterested, unbothered and a tiny bit annoyed.

The thought unsettled Amelia but a small part of her was excited by his indifference, this would surely be an interesting chase.

He had mentioned he had a girlfriend and Amelia didn't entertain taken men. She wasn't a home-wrecker.

But a little bit of harmless flirting wouldn't hurt. If he happened to realise Amelia was worthy of sticking his dick in then, who was she to stop him.

After getting to know Santiago for a minute Amelia had realised she had to go about this the right way. Subtly wasn't her strongest suit but that was the road she decided to go down.

She couldn't make it obvious she wanted in his pants, that seemed to be a turn off to him.

Today was his first day on the job. Santiago would be assisting Amelia to lunch with Eli and then to meet Lucy at the studio to go over outfits for her ad campaign.

Hopefully Amelia would be able to concentrate on work and not the 6ft5 Spaniard who'd be following her around.

When 9am finally rolled around Amelia stretched and dragged herself out of bed. Her morning routine was simple- workout, shower, skin care, moisturise, do her hair, get some makeup on and take a picture of the finished product to upload to Instagram. Instantly her photo gained 30,000 likes. By the time she checked it later, that number would be sure to have cleared 1 million.

Deciding she was happy with her outfit Amelia made her way downstairs to wait for her new chauffeur.

As she made her way downstairs she wasn't surprised to see their house was now spotless. Her father had already arranged for her bedroom floor to be stripped clean and changed. The house was now back to its spotless nature and the events of the weekend were slowly fading to the back of her mind.

It was around 11am on a weekday so she had the house to herself. The twins were at school, her father at his security company and her mother was most likely down at the university teaching a lecture.

At first Noah didn't like the idea of Annabella being surrounded by young students who probably stared at her ass as she taught, but Annabella had a passion for teaching and he couldn't get in the way of that.

Amelia helped herself to a bowl of grapes whilst she checked her feed, waiting for Santiago. She realised she didn't even have his number so how were they supposed to communicate.

If he didn't arrive in 10 minutes time she'd have to leave for lunch without him.

As if by magic there was a strong knock at the door distracting Amelia from her phone.

She quickly patted her hair down before opening the door with a big smile on her face. The man who occupied her every thought for the last 24 hours was standing in front of her.

He looked as divine as she remembered. Again dressed in head to toe black. "Good morning Papi" Amelia beamed.

A scowl formed on his handsome face as he stepped into the house, surveying the area.

"I'm not your fucking Papi, entendido?" his voice was a low gruff, that with the mix of Spanish he spouted was enough to make Amelia's insides twist on the spot.

Deciding not to antagonise him too much on their first day together Amelia headed inside to grab her belongings. She hoped that his eyes were watching her ass as she manoeuvred around the house.

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