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Santiago stood in front of his bedroom mirror as he decided what to wear for the evening. He had one hour before he had to meet Vinny and Pauly at - Double D's-.

Santiago didn't particularly want to spend his only free night of the week at a strip club, but Pauly had begged him to come along and he did need a drink.

Noah had given the three men the night off so the Blackwell family could spend some time together.

Santiago was hoping to get dressed quick enough to leave the house before Rebecca came back. Unfortunately luck wasn't on his side, as he grabbed his phone and wallet Rebecca walked through the front door.

"You look handsome." She said, smiling at him for the first time in a while.

"Thanks, I'm going out with Pauly and Vinny. Where have you been?" He asked.

"I went for a few drinks with some people from work, where are you off to?" Rebecca asked as she helped herself to a large glass of wine.

"Actually, I'm meeting the guys at a strip club. I hope you don't mind." Santiago didn't even think to tell his fiancé where he was going tonight.

"A strip club?" Rebecca repeated. Santiago merely nodded his head in answer making his way over to the front door.

"Santiago have you lost your mind? You think you're leaving this house tonight to go and shove money down some whore's panties?" Santiago's eye's twitched at the volume of Rebecca's shrill voice.

"I'm just going for the drinks, don't worry about it."

"No, you're not going at all. God, how selfish can you be? You can't just leave this house and tell me you're spending the night with strippers." Santiago swiftly dodged the wine glass that Rebecca had threw his way.

"You're fucking crazy do you know that? And deluded. You and I both know there's nothing here between us, so save your breath and stop playing the jealous fiancé." Santiago tried to keep his voice level but Rebecca had a talent for making him blow his lid.

"You really think you're doing me some favour by marrying me don't you Santiago? I don't need you!" She screamed.

"Get the fuck out of my house then! Go on! Do us both a favour and leave." He shouted.

Rebecca took a breath as she saw the veins on Santiago's temple pulse.

"If Ben knew how you treated me he'd be so disappointed, you're an asshole. Go fuck your strippers, see if I give a shit." Rebecca shot Santiago one last dirty look before going upstairs.

The heated exchange with Rebecca had left Santiago feeling tense the whole journey to the strip club. The mention of Ben's name made him want to drown his sorrows even more. He found Vinny and Pauly sitting in a quiet VIP area when he finally made it.

"Ciao, Santiago come on we have drinks." Vinny embraced Santiago in a quick bro hug before handing him a drink.

He said a quick hello to Pauly before knocking the drink back in one.

"Stressful day Fernandez?" Pauly asked.

"Yes, some advice, don't ever tell your fiancé your going to a strip club." Santiago motioned to the waitress to get him another drink.

"I'm never getting married so I'll never have that issue." Vinny said. He was sheepishly looking around the club, Santiago decided he was either drunk, or uncomfortable.

"Ah, I second that. I can't see myself tying down to just one female. Not when there's so many to enjoy." Pauly added.

"Well technically, Santiago isn't tied down to one female is he?" Vinny wiggled his eyebrows at Santiago as he teased him.

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